Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But I waited most for whoever had acted Lily .
2 Partners , lovers and business associates alike are behaving like things possesses , and harping endlessly on about who earns what or owns what .
3 If only because of Scotland , this was always going to be an election not only about who governs Britain , but how Britain is to be governed .
4 It would be a long walk down for whoever had the top flat .
5 There are also many Jews in between who dress modestly and where possible in the latest fashions , and who keep the laws of the Bible without losing touch with the world we live in .
6 And er I was really the youngest , there was one in between who had died .
7 The right wing coalition parties , RPR and UDF , are expected to triumph at the French legislative elections due to take place at the end of this month but , regardless of who wins , the French economy is set to go into recession in the first half of this year with even the most optimistic forecasters predicting zero growth .
8 One could take the view , for example , that important constraints on social equality are imposed by the opportunities available in society , regardless of who avails themselves of them , and that we do not want a measure that is insensitive to such constraints .
9 If the person who owned the book , regardless of who got stuff of the book
10 As far as he was concerned , both she and her sister were two of a kind — cheap and unprincipled , living for the moment , regardless of who got hurt in the process .
11 With Digital 's NAS , you have the freedom to choose the systems and solutions that fit your needs most closely — regardless of who supplies them .
12 We want to make the joke work , regardless of who gets the laugh .
13 Thanks especially to who seemed to be everywhere with me loading , unloading , sorting , labelling , selling , loading , unloading … !
14 Whilst it is invidious to mention names , would like to place on record his sincere thanks to all those who have given advice and support , but especially to who has been , and still is , a tower of strength .
15 Thank you very much to those who volunteered , or who were volunteered to help , especially to who worked as hard as I did to get the whole thing set up .
16 It all comes down to who holds the purse strings , and at the point when it comes down to that level , something has gone wrong .
17 In the end , it may come down to who makes the better speech at the convention — and who the delegates believe can beat the Liberals in the election , probably in September .
18 Similarly the question of the need to store the goods in third party premises , if the buyer can not accept delivery when they are ready for delivery , really comes down to who pays for the storage charges .
19 ‘ And when it 's all over who knows ?
20 We 've got ta have a direction , and it 's not about who gets the best jobs and who gets the best power positions , it 's about dictating an agenda by the members for the members in the interests of our members , the T & g 's members and all trade unionists in this country .
21 It 's too easy to tell a child not to make a fuss , it 's a big playground and to go and play away from whoever has hit them or kicked them or fallen out with them .
22 He was unprepared for the pain the room gave him , the fierce memory of the last time he had been here , when only that impulse of chivalry , or folly , had prevented him from taking her , as he could have done , from making her his own instead of handing her over to whoever had got her now .
23 Power is always about who does the defining and who accepts the definitions .
24 Marvin is a Liverpool fan but played for an Everton junior side last season and has still not made his mind up for whom to sign .
25 With Milton and Marvell , both of whom supported Parliament and were employed by the state during the Commonwealth and Protectorate , we have instances of writers with direct political involvement in their times .
26 During this time he became acquainted with John Ray , the great English naturalist , and Robert Boyle , the philosopher , both of whom gave help and encouragement to the young man .
27 Broadly , the expectation is that the Monarch will not have to take a decision that will then prove to be a violation of the democratic process , because it will be up to whoever agrees to form a government in these circumstances to prove that he or she has adequate parliamentary support .
28 Finding out about who does what in the EC and how the Brussels institutional web works is a complex and costly operation .
29 Sorry , he 's just someone I went out with who thought he had exclusive rights to my body . ’
30 Still , I expect Grandstand and Question Time are even now fighting it out over who gets me first .
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