Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] again " in BNC.

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1 and go on about it again
2 Oh switch this light on for me again because the pools lady wo n't be able to see .
3 It was good enough for them in the old days , and it will be good enough for them again , especially with THE woman out of the way .
4 He turned his head and glanced to where Martin was taking off his overcoat , and Martin raised his eyebrows , pursed his lips and nodded his head , the action saying , ‘ You 're in for it again , laddie . ’
5 The woman with the bobbed blonde hair was bending down towards her again .
6 The Fat Controller spoke inside of me again .
7 And that I want to get together with him again now ? ’
8 ‘ That is what I can not understand , ’ the general had turned in upon himself again , hardly aware of the presence of his guests any more .
9 The mousy man reappeared struggling with his suitcase and sat down on it again .
10 Yes , she thought before she drew his face down to hers again , I am staying — staying in the only place for me : Luke 's heart .
11 ‘ I 'm going down to them again tonight . ’
12 One moment he loved them like a brother , then he 'd turn away and never want to speak fondly to them again .
13 Nina was all over him again , but more ingratiating this time , controlling her desperation , soothing the wrinkles she had put in his coat , unwrapping his scarf .
14 Marco was moving in on her again .
15 The sky clouded , grew overcast and heavy , and they waited patiently for the rain to start in on them again , knowing they would be in the warmth of Ivrigar by nightfall .
16 ‘ Go on and ring the Good Sister before we have the starched apron in on us again . ’
17 Never belong only to us again .
18 His Mum came and sat down beside him again , smoothing his anorak .
19 Ben was laughing down at her again .
20 When he looked down at her again his expression was strangely blank .
21 I swung in a wide circle around the machine climbing slightly to loose speed and came in at him again from dead ahead and slightly above .
22 Alain sat down by her again , turning her to face him .
23 ‘ I 'm goin' to be all by meself again ? ’ asked Dolly , her hair flooding the pillow with auburn .
24 Allowing her imagination to run away with her again .
25 Robbie 's voice faltered into silence , and she held her breath , realising that her wretched curiosity had run away with her again .
26 Run ! at me but the message is n't getting through , there 's something else in the way , something else pulling me back , back to Andy and back to that frozen river bank ; I hear Andy crying out and I can still see him reaching towards me and he 's about to slip away from me again and I ca n't do anything … but I can , this time I can ; I can do something and I will .
27 But when I found you 'd run away from me again , it nearly sent me crazy . ’
28 ‘ Now that I have you at last you 'll never be away from me again . ’
29 His eyes were watering as he started it , and he looked away from me again , towards the deserted white tables around us .
30 Luke 's kiss , withheld to torment her for a moment while he stared into her darkened eyes , was an insult when it came , and yet insufficient to her hunger , because his mouth was torn away from hers again almost at once , plunging to suckle hard at one exposed breast for several agonising seconds , the message blatant — she was desired , and despised .
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