Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many misconceptions about the past have already been corrected , and in all likelihood many more will only be put right through continued archaeological research .
2 I walked right through that fantastic min .
3 I do n't think I slept right through that whole week .
4 That 's right through this big
5 Give them a banner to enhance their chances and a good leader , and they can drive a hole right through most normal enemy troops .
6 During the nineteenth century , the cattle of Friesland in particular were being selected locally for black-and-white pied coats at a time when the cattle of other provinces were of various colours and types .
7 Segregative in both appearance and admission policies , they catered mostly for elderly disabled people .
8 Putting this more precisely , the proper time taken by light to pass to and fro between two fixed points in spaces oscillates .
9 Also , the research should also be innovative and pre-competitive , that is , somewhere between basic fundamental research and commercial application .
10 we then drove through Stansted , Bishop 's Stortford and into the Hadhams where we had a cup of coffee with our daughter , then on through several other villages and back home to Royston .
11 Then on through beautiful Swiss scenery to Lake Lugano for lunch , before travelling back to Lake Como , and driving along Europe 's most spectacular lakeside road .
12 Weyl outlines the argument and moves on through seven spherical symmetries to the prospect of 230 crystal groups before coming to rest on thoughts of higher generality of principle .
13 Examples include odour and taste discrimination , with important effects on the evolution of language and cuisine ; preference from infancy onward for certain basic geometric designs over others ; phoneme formation ; rules of transformational grammar ; the development of particular , species-wide facial expressions to denote the emotions of fear , loathing , anger , surprise , and happiness ; various other forms of nonverbal communication ; the pattern of mother-infant bonding ; the method of infant holding by women ; fear of strangers ( a usually strong response that persists from about six to eighteen months ) ; phobias ; and others ( see the review by Lumsden & Wilson , 1981 ) .
14 The first programmes were mostly about British natural history , but soon the supply of other people 's film began to run out and Peter started to go abroad with BBC teams to make his own .
15 The study tour , based in London , is for an invited group of conservators , craftsmen , planners and architects working in Croatia to assess the expertise on offer in the U.K. The workshop in York is additionally for other interested people and groups involved in conservation .
16 As can be seen , in the isotropic case the irregularities of stress near the points of application of the load are smoothed out within about one lateral dimension , that is , the central part of the plate is under uniform stress .
17 Hitchcock 's fondness for artifice , and latterly for extended European holidays combined with location filming , met with a setback in Torn Curtain ( 1966 ) , a spy story that was meant to comment on the Burgess and Maclean scandal of the early 1950s , but went wrong in scripting and casting .
18 But Mum goes on about that wretched place as though he was chief jailer at Broadmoor .
19 ‘ Successive pairs of celebrities , one to open the envelope and read out the winner 's name , the other to hand over the bauble , live audience and viewers and listeners at home making fun of the acceptance speeches — brevity is brilliance — and executive types rolled out to ramble on about each different category , with entertainment acts in between . ’
20 There is one other point I 'd just like because yo you 've been on about Labour controlled Councils .
21 He was a small boy of six who lived just around the corner from her , and for days he had been going on about this great talking parrot his father had given him .
22 Do n't we ramble on about some strange things June ?
23 The pre-senter is now droning on about another minor leak of nuclear waste at Sellafield .
24 With and without the capital S. You 've heard him go on about those selective hierarchies ? ’
25 They got the wrong island , wrong producers , so what do they know , going on about these mad drug stories and us not getting our shit together ?
26 The rationalisation is one of several going on between various European defence companies in a shrinking market .
27 To take the simplest example , faisan à la normande would be understood , by anybody who knew a little about French regional cooking , to imply a dish of pheasant with a cream sauce and apples , blazed with Calvados .
28 Elections may help produce the personnel at the apex of government but they tell us little about likely public policy .
29 ‘ You see , I spent two years in Russia , and I know a little about Siberian Magic .
30 Mr Canavan , who is fighting for re-election as MP for Falkirk West and has been a prominent member of PLCND , said : ‘ I have always been proud to be a member of CND and will continue to campaign vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament within the Labour Party .
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