Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] it and " in BNC.

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1 I worked right through it and then looked up the proper translation , which was at the end of the book .
2 You know we 've corrected it and gone on about it and discussed it .
3 Yeah , they come round and they were all on about it and er , erm and that was it , Darren called us all into the canteen , well I , I mean Pam must have told you that I was , I could n't get over it and he said thanks for all you 've done , all your support and I thought yeah
4 And we were on about it and working it out .
5 she , she used to go on about it and all this and I , I sort of fell out with her at one time , but did n't actually speak to her about it
6 I mean if you think about it it was just an impossible task to do it sort of fairly or so that everybody felt all right about it and also that you know if it 's your own children you 're having to choose presents you know the who whole idea was sort of very very difficult really .
7 Well , for instance ; one night Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor who had called Stella II a skinny black bitch right in the middle of her rendition of ‘ Te Amo ’ , and he meant it , right there in the middle of his number — well Madame not only showed her approval of the assault by conspicuously buying Stella drinks every night for the whole of the following week ; as soon as she saw the fight starting she got off her stool , yanked out the plug on the sound system , hitched up that frock , got straight up on the stage while they were still on the floor ( she knew Stella would sort him out ) and she went into an unforgettable aria of abuse against this stranger which culminated in her eschewing all her usual magnificence of phrasing and just standing there shouting fuck off at him , screaming fuck off , if you do n't like it you can fuck off , E , X , I , T , there it is , you came in through it and now you can fuck off out of it , fuck off out of it why do n't you you stupid bastard ( and by now of course someone had dragged Stella off and we were all up on our chairs cheering while the disgraced stranger made his slow and humiliating exit through the parting crowd ) why do n't you just piss off and insult someone who does n't have the balls to answer back because you 've picked the wrong girls here darling , fuck off that 's it , fucking fuck off , fucking fuck off right through my front door and do n't you ever , do n't you ever , do n't you ever step on my fucking frock again .
8 Aye well we 've all spoken about it before and I mean yo When we were in hospital we spoke together about it and er obviously it 's it 's it 's something you that wo n't really be able to tell unless you give it try .
9 and er , I told him all about it , and I said I do n't know what happened to I spoke to somebody last Monday and he was coming down immediately for it , so he sort of said , well I 'll come down for it , there 's a different one , he got , and he came down for it and he took it , so er , .
10 I 'm all for it and I suspect Terry Wogan is , too .
11 I went in for it and I came third .
12 So then this fellow comes to the phone , obviously his missus had entered it and he did n't have a bloody clue that she 'd gone in for it and he 'd just come home from work and er Annika Rice there , saying oh where is she ?
13 He applied for the first chair and then thought better of it and withdrew the application ; refused to apply for the second despite the supplications of Cambridge friends ; and finally applied for the third , the chair of primacy , the regius chair made vacant by the retirement of Charles Raven .
14 Yet when his campaign train reached McCarthy 's state of Wisconsin , where he planned to speak in defence of his old chief , he thought better of it and let that guy from the gutter stay on the train .
15 The bulldog twitched and sniffed the air , started to rise but thought better of it and flopped down with her head on her paws .
16 Twice his quarry threw him backward glances , and on the second occasion seemed to slow his pace , as if he might stop and attempt a truce , but then thought better of it and put on an extra turn of speed .
17 Boxer was about to remind him that time was getting on but then thought better of it and withdrew .
18 But he thought better of it and slowly breathed out the air through his nose .
19 He considered leaving the rucksack on the train , but as it contained several of his favourite Fair Isle jumpers , and this was bonny Scotland after all , he thought better of it and shouldered the thing .
20 A few moments earlier , Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd dithered on the pavement for a few seconds , presumably wondering whether to brave the cameras but thought better of it and he , too , entered by No 12 .
21 Defries , Daak and Ace could n't take their eyes from it as the shuttle took them inexorably towards it and it grew across the window .
22 These teams will need to feed into the making of the School Development Plan ; they will no doubt be expected to carry out much of it and be involved in the monitoring and evaluation process .
23 suet in it I think it 'll end up runny rather than with nothing inside of it and if you 've got unless you want one as large as that I thought to myself .
24 Mum would dish up my plate of food , and I 'd go and sit down with it and he 'd get up .
25 The track plunged down into it and emerged on the other side .
26 The crowd was surging out of the hall , we were carried along with it and I was worried about the baby in all this pushing and shoving , but did n't like to mention it in case William should feel he had to take care of me .
27 words and er , they did n't lose it they , they they they went along with it and they , they actually , some came
28 I apologised for slamming the car boot down upon it and commenting churlishly upon its perkiness and assumed that since ferns grew in the wild and my great aunt had had a whole conservatory of them , they were not difficult to rear .
29 In the shallow sloping terraced garden , with drystone retaining walls , there is a sunken circular garden with a seat all round it and a slate floor which was used for having tea in the shade on boiling afternoons .
30 And carpet all round it and just a
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