Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In fact , the thing I enjoy most about being in the side is experiencing our amazing support .
2 ‘ Oh ! ’ said Fenella and stood still and clasped her hands together and for a moment forgot entirely about being in danger in the house of an ancient and evil sorcerer .
3 And if you do n't care much for being in your thirties , wait until the forties .
4 Everything in between was in principle ( if not in practice ) known .
5 Oh it could only of been at five thirty
6 It is perhaps like being on top of a big wave in a canoe or on a surfboard , but to try to describe it is to fail .
7 It was too much like being in the Army — which , on reflection , was hardly surprising .
8 I was assured by the SIB that there would be a court martial and XYZ would be charged with rape but that did not happen , he was charged only with being in the married quarter area , fined 14 days wages and demoted in rank to Trooper .
9 Each transmitted photon has had its polarisation state changed instantaneously from being along X " to being along y .
10 Most importantly , this response ought sensibly to be in line with current market trends : financial diversification , the breaking down of barriers , and the consequent growth of integrated financial houses .
11 The Russian Congress , constituted as a result of elections in March [ see p. 37322 , where the elections are stated wrongly to be for the Russian Supreme Soviet ] and comprising 1,068 deputies , convened on May 16 .
12 At the Forest Eyre in January the judges deprived Robert of his wardenship , which was henceforth to be at the disposal of the Crown .
13 Better to be like Dada .
14 Better to be in Florence , alone , independent , not subjected to sudden swings of mood than be with people whom she felt no longer valued her , whatever they said .
15 So sweet and strong that merely to be beside the loved object , to feel his hand on her arm , was enough .
16 We , I used to move around a lot on those days as you could do really speaking because I was n't old enough to be under the Essential Works Order you see , and er I was by the time I went into the army it was 1946 so er the war was over .
17 To relieve you of any worries you may have about your monthly repayments if you are unfortunate enough to be off work for any length of time , or if you die unexpectedly , we have a comprehensive insurance Protection Plan .
18 Nobody knows , precisely enough to be of scientific or medical use , how much radiation was released into the air , how far it spread , and what the original doses received by people underneath it might have been .
19 The few Tit for Tat individuals do n't meet each other often enough to be of mutual benefit .
20 There can not be a satisfactory answer to such a question which is short enough for the circumstances , and informative enough to be of any value .
21 Break 's conclusion was that the net effect of taxation rates ‘ be it disincentive or incentive , is not large enough to be of great economic or sociological significance ’ .
22 Letters are short reports of outstanding novel findings whose implications are general and important enough to be of interest to those outside the field .
23 At the edge of dunes is a two-storey hide , open to the public , which gives wonderful views of the estuary and its birds — for those not lucky enough to be aboard a boat .
24 Stuart Taylor was lucky enough to be on RF325 as it took its last bow .
25 Oliver said : ‘ You knew her well enough to be on that boat with her . ’
26 No one lucky enough to be at Newmarket when he first appeared can possibly forget it .
27 The youngest child in the family , not yet old enough to be at school , was on a shopping trip in Kirkwall with one of her oldest sisters .
28 I know I was n't the only one who saw your work was important enough to be worth backing , but you must admit you owe me something !
29 The splitting and penetration of the bone of the skull was slightly more advanced than shown earlier , but the difference is not great enough to be worth illustrating and is still equivalent to stage 1 weathering ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ) .
30 Caramelised carrot and Cointreau sounded unlikely enough to be worth a try — it was delicious .
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