Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] never [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We have , I admit , been less vulnerable in the past than we are now , but Northumbria alone could never expect to overrun Alba .
2 When Albert Speer reflected on the enormous scale of Hitler 's architectural ambitions , it dawned upon him that Germany alone could never supply the raw materials for the monuments and new cities planned by the Führer .
3 The eyes alone could never have given me so profound a sense of Spring , of Maytime and the blossoming of hawthorn upon the heaths and wild cherry at the border of the beech copses .
4 Certainly Jesus revealed God to man in way the written Old Testament alone could never have done .
5 The former Prime Minister added : ‘ I personally could never have signed this treaty . ’
6 This claim about human nature is then followed by the assertion that we could never gain adequate evidence for a holist theory , and so could never give up our view of individuals as basically autonomous actors :
7 Carolyn did not move back to her mother 's , as Bryony ( who perhaps would never stop being jealous ; Clare 's mistakes were as often with women as men ) had hoped , and as Clare herself had half expected .
8 I don' think er that women mind at all , I do n't think that that people in general really take that much notice of it , I mean I personally er have no objection or would not try and dissuade these gentlemen from wearing these things , but I personally would never wear one , and one of the reasons I would never wear one is apart from maybe two cases there you can always tell , and I think the thing is that when I would feel very uncomfortable walking down the street and everyo I 'd feel that everyone was there going wig , wig and the other thing is , there 's a young lady at the back there made a very valid point , er
9 Despite its name , ‘ Silver Queen ’ is male so will never bear fruit
10 Moorgate Place and its presidential spokesmen claim the high ground : either there is no potential for conflict or , if there is , the two interests are convergent and so will never cause problems .
11 So far as the general public is concerned , as well as the churches which minister to that public , the works cited above might never have been produced .
12 Nothing he had been told from the very first moment he had arrived in Perugia amounted to any more than salacious gossip , casual slanders , ill-informed rumours of no real value which elsewhere would never have reached his ears .
13 And those six little gutter-weasels and their heftier accomplice who had pushed her over would never realize , when they sold Miss Gemma Dallam 's valuable satin for a shilling or two , just what they had done to her .
14 Certainly not everybody in the camp found pleasure in books or music or poetry or nature but many people who normally would never have had anything to do with such things were forced by their environment to look into them and found there greater wealth than they had ever known before .
15 Ordinary mortals walking hereabouts will never know the delights of the fairyland below them .
16 This is according to someone we 've never heard of before and hopefully will never hear of again , a Viscount Ullswater .
17 My parents are broadminded , liberal and understanding to the extent that I probably could never match .
18 Moulin had bequeathed to de Gaulle undoubted precedence over the resistance leadership , but he had not bequeathed — and probably could never have bequeathed — a complete identity of outlook between internal and external resistance .
19 She probably could never have afforded a stairgate , so Save The Children lent her the equipment from its safety loan scheme .
20 If there were no school , you probably would never hear of these things ’ .
21 But if the club suddenly asked him to strongly consider taking the Blackburn offer then even if he did n't he probably would never have felt the same again about playing for Leeds , ( ie , doubting about management 's loyalty to him , etc . )
22 Mind you if customs had opened it it probably would never have got maybe
23 It probably would never happen again cos it was
24 Now if you want to know what I 'd like , which holiday I 'd like and I probably will never do it , mind you I ne I need the person to go with because definitely you need a person to go with , I 'd love to go on the Orient Express .
25 It 's very simple Congress , if you support motion one five three this probably will never happen again and we wo n't have the situation where there 's an attempt to disenfranchise unemployed members .
26 this is the story of my life now in the bathroom I have had , I have had to pay a hundred pounds to Mr Butcher the plumber to put in a new shower thing because that was cheap and rough and eventually wore out should never have been put in .
27 In such a close encounter it surely could never have happened to the local hero in Italy , San Juan or other more volatile boxing outposts .
28 ‘ The man I knew three years ago would never have stood serving sausages to other people .
29 The issue of whether female relatives — or anyone else — would provide unpaid care for relatives simply would never have arisen for most people .
30 Like many other historic properties , Hackfall belonged to an owner who reputedly would never sell .
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