Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Those allowed on should be those with some experience of this sort of work .
2 However , those who emerged empty-handed from all the pushing and shoving that went on should be able to see November 19 's game on giant video screens which the government is hoping to install in three different locations .
3 Unfortunately many still stand in such awe of the computer as to believe that any analysis achieved thereby must be correct .
4 Both your stand and the floor it stands on must be capable of supporting this weight .
5 It was crucial that the postal and telephone services , access roads , car parks , electricity , gas , drainage , etc. should be available or could easily be provided .
6 Carla Hills , his trade representative , who knows an export market when she sees one , is negotiating the framework for a free-trade agreement with the four , who together may be strong enough to strike a tough bargain .
7 It 's also very useful to build in to the planning a mutual need — or else any conflicts which arise when the two groups do come together may be impossible to resolve .
8 In future , the main reason for financial firms to band together may be that lunching brings them vital extra insights .
9 Predation by humans and dogs together may be heavy in certain areas .
10 The dose equivalence over 24 hours is more difficult to estimate but since salmeterol has a longer duration of action salmeterol 50 µg twice daily may be equivalent to salbutamol 500 µg four to six hourly .
11 However , it must be remembered that most predators take juvenile dogwhelks and observation of adults alone may be misleading .
12 ( The low level activation by the parent plasmid alone may be due to cryptic weak Jun-binding sites in this DNA ) .
13 So let's be like we are in church , all right ?
14 So let's be free at least one tape erm , at least , at least one side based on the tape .
15 Teeth are more easily overlooked in the thick debris of the pellets than are the mandibles and maxillae and so may be under-represented solely for this reason .
16 This sets out the objective in each area and at each stage and so may be appropriate for a long or complex assignment .
17 With a majority of 21 , they are in a position to vote in any Speaker they wish , and so may be inclined to reward one of their own party .
18 Some women are financially dependent on other members of the family and so may be dependent on someone else to pay their Poll Tax bill .
19 Finally , it should be noted that central government does sometimes voluntarily pay compensation to injured individuals without being held liable to do so and even when legal liability to do so may be doubtful or non-existent .
20 This payment is allowable on taxation and so may be recoverable from the losing party .
21 A core system capable of handling the requirements detailed in sections 4 and 5 above and sections 8 and 9 below must be available to users five days a week , fifty two weeks a year , excluding public holidays .
22 Furthermore , chimney walls and all internal structural walls visible in the roof space and in the rooms below must be continuous down to the foundations .
23 Both MV and PT measure the total value of transactions during the time period and so must be identical .
24 His salary alone must be more than enough for the two of them , apart from the old man 's pension .
25 When an elderly relative is to be cared for , it is important that having some time off together should be top priority for the couple .
26 And yet that only should be able to stimulate dreams , create anxiety .
27 He read Plato , and despairing of his own country , dreamt of an island ‘ peopled by men who should be Christians and Philosophers and where Vice only should be contemptible ’ .
28 No , nine o'clock should be perfect I would think .
29 They represent the agency and so should be personable , likeable and a good mixer , successful with the client on and off the set .
30 Although common in Florida , the black vulture is a protected bird and so should be welcome at Discovery Island .
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