Example sentences of "[adv] [be] a time " in BNC.

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1 Their first years together were a time of grinding poverty .
2 They think I 'm a dead duck but it 's not been a time you could write off .
3 ‘ He 's not a bad man , ’ the girl said , and there was a slight tremble in her voice ; she knew that things had gone wrong for her father , and that there would soon be a time of parting .
4 In a country where infant mortality is low , it is expected that children will live into adulthood and outlive their parents , so that there will not be a time when it seems likely that a child will die before their parents .
5 PRINCESS Margaret will celebrate her 62nd birthday today — but it will not be a time for partying .
6 As Henry watched her retreating buttocks , grinding out yet another dismissal , he tried to remember if there had ever been a time , years ago , when he had desired her .
7 If there had ever been a time when it had been a whim and not an obligation , that time was gone now ; the thing was there waiting for him , blocking his path , and there was no way round it to his manhood .
8 Regardless of what the manufacturers of integrated software may tell us it can still be a time consuming process to off-load the document from the wordprocessor and pull in the data base and its files to look up a simple telephone number .
9 But however bad a year it has been , Christmas should always be a time of hope and happiness .
10 Retirement is a time of great change and should also be a time for development .
11 It will also be a time of rejoicing and feasting in the Messianic banquet ( Matt.
12 Though adolescence is generally a time of intense sociability. it can also often be a time of intense loneliness .
13 Now is a time to focus on priorities and to strip away anything in your life that is superfluous .
14 Despite these real successes , however , my sense is that now is a time to take stock and to reflect on the theoretical , pedagogic and political foundations of multiculturalism and antiracism .
15 She spoke sadly , as though to a twenty-four-year-old there really was a time of lost innocence , and I suppose , if the twenty-four-year-old was a cocaine addict , then there was indeed such a time .
16 Yet there really was a time when people seriously doubted whether Britain was governable any more ; when we appeared to be doomed to decline ; when our friends pitied us ; when envy masqueraded as economic policy .
17 There really was a time when some thought that trade union leaders were more important than the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ; when families were stopped from buying the council homes they lived in ; when we were taxed more heavily on our incomes and savings than almost anyone else in the developed world ; when many of our most important industries were run at enormous loss by the State .
18 In fact , the next two or three days may well be a time of harsh words and even harsher realities , particularly on the work front .
19 1993 could well be a time when you can no longer put up with frustrating dead-ends .
20 What I 've got here is a time series of potato yields over time .
21 When was a time when you were assertive , just think you can be anything assertive over anything it does n't matter think of a time when you feel you were being assertive anybody think of a time when they were being assertive
22 There has never been a time , it seems , when the world has been so dominated by the politics of nationalism .
23 There has never been a time more conscious of chronological age than our own .
24 As the protagonist in Kafka 's Conversation with a Suppliant confessed : ‘ There has never been a time in which I have been convinced from within myself that I am alive . ’
25 Yet there has never been a time when the British people were more in need of a vigilant and free Press .
26 ‘ Our message is that there has never been a time like this to pick up a bargain , ’ a spokeswoman said .
27 There has never been a time when women were not interested in politics …
28 There 's never been a time when you 've nearly split up ?
29 There has never been a time in economic history when comparative advantage was less static .
30 There had never been a time when they had not wrangled , and yet after his fashion he was fond of her .
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