Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 But it seems to me she should n't be locked up in Broadmoor , she should be somewhere where it 's more supervision , but more freedom where she can walk around gardens and places like that , erm
2 somewhere where it 's decent
3 But just so long as they take me somewhere where there 's the right kind of electricity …
4 They 've said would n't you like to be somewhere where there 's people you can talk to an that and she said yeah , did n't she ?
5 Well you either put one bar on or the lot is on or it 's very dim like this is low and you ca n't see it at all .
6 Get her back on or she 's not having this I 'm sorry about that hang on just a minute block your ears I 'm just going to spin round again okay hang on oops er are you their Rachael are you there ?
7 Paula was just saying he was in there doing , doing the doors , whatever doing the doors meant you know whether he 's actually putting them on or he 's ba is he , is he just putting them straight into the existing
8 What I think we 're saying on this side of the house , I do n't know if we 're saying it loud enough or it 's going to have effect , is that we must reduce the number of rules and regulations , you do n't actually need the body which the honourable member 's talking about .
9 But I mean I do get used to being on my own and then like I mean I say he 's there like the , the other morni he went down his mother 's and he did n't come back till three o'clock so he 's not there constantly all the time .
10 He himself , by his own self justifying account , was giving the President the facts and pointing out the alternatives ; North , speaking the language of military tactics , was for ‘ boxing him in so there 's only one way he can go — the right way . ’
11 Better that it 's used to revamp the old chestnut about ‘ how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb ? ’ in the form of ‘ how many reissues does it take to relaunch a band 's career ? ’
12 Well , apparently that it 's a gon na be based on superstition .
13 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
14 Newspaper , difficult one , generally , but we 're lucky in that we 've got a place down in Exmouth that shred this all up for animal bedding , and they 'll take that , and again we 'll get recycling credits , so although it 's low value in terms of the actual material , it attracts this big recycling credit so so a subsidized market , if you like .
15 ‘ Everything official here seems to be tied up in red tape , so although it 's taking a long time I 'm sure the licence is being processed , ’ she declared defiantly .
16 And in fact , if we look at even more , I mean where I work is a Family Centre in Berinsfield erm and I interviewed erm some of the carers of young children , and most of the women I interviewed had , in fact , been subjected to marital violence by their male partners and in many ways this had been triggered off by arguments over who should take care of the children and over the woman not being in her place , so although it 's important to maybe look at the macro level , I really think we have to look at how men and women behave towards one another , particularly where child care is concerned .
17 But only once he 's well enough to consider dealing with his brother . ’
18 Well why would he want to tell him all his failures , especially that he 's viewing Nick as an opponent .
19 Especially that it 's headed by Mrs Grigorovich , Natalya Bessmertnova .
20 erm Now , there 's a very nice one , if you move down to the single stroke , you see there are two 2s written , and below that there 's a single stroke .
21 Most prisoners are locked up inside so it 's good to be able to work outside .
22 Most prisoners are locked up inside so it 's good to be able to work outside .
23 ‘ Horace always wants to do better than anyone 's done before . ’
24 Yeah , I think obviously , Norman has put down that he 's gon na produce quite a lot of cross-section , I think that 's a valid point I think we had assumed , perhaps incorrectly , that the ground was gon na be relatively level .
25 Er are we all agreed then we 'll put down that there 's a third
26 My son is a dying junkie , but he does n't want to die alone so he 's encouraging Robin-Anne to keep him company and now she 's become addicted to cocaine and it wo n't be very long before she 's smoking crack and trying speedballs . ’
27 has got three C Ls in , so you 've got your two times three again , so that one 's okay .
28 And on that side we 've got six , so that one 's not balanced .
29 Okay so that one 's five remainder nine is n't it you can change that one later .
30 Right , so that one 's no problem , R one plus R two .
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