Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Private individuals looking for a stockbroker to advise on or manage their investments may not know how to start .
2 But as a result of other companies either closing down or reducing their workforce , employment in this area of industry has actually fallen .
3 er you know express the dream in or express their feelings about it .
4 It was predictable whenever he was away from home — the stroll before bed — and they both knew better than to offer their company .
5 They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority ; such bad manners would disgrace the clan .
6 He reckons he needs between 50 and 100 people in the next few weeks , presumably all drawn from the 300 or so that lost their jobs when his first company closed its doors .
7 Yeah , but the thing is , we 're not from college , so that means their students are gon na be , like , pushed out .
8 If the current trend continues , the landowners to whom the bothies belong , could decide that enough is enough and withdraw their permission for usage .
9 In fact , the skirmish never took place because the enemy crossed the river further upstream and took their objective ‘ by the back-door ’ .
10 We are persuading logging companies and governments to manage the logging of rainforests better and to grow their own hardwoods on separate plantations outside the rainforest .
11 The Wilsons however found it all a bit much and thinking their tank threatened , have moved the fish on to Blackpool 's Sealife Centre .
12 Ask the Lord to guide their steps daily and to enlarge their understanding of his love .
13 The process will necessarily be a dynamic one with DHAs updating their plans annually and modifying their pattern of contracts both to reflect changing needs and to respond to new services becoming available from current or alternative providers .
14 Species of this group are best kept in groups of three or more in order to observe them behaving naturally and displaying their best colours .
15 ‘ People do write in and offer their services ’ , says Christopher Nell , ‘ but I 'm not aware that we 've actually used any of they so far .
16 Weeds too , join in and shake their waists , wave their long arms , flicking their hands — ;
17 Overseas exploration and colonial settlement opened up vistas of fabulous riches ; the existence of the barbarians could no longer just be taken for granted ; they had to be fitted in and given their proper place in the ordinary man 's picture of world geography .
18 After they had gone in and resumed their grind in the usual places , Rose came out to him and said gently , ‘ You were terrible , Daddy , to make them go down to the lake . ’
19 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
20 Being aggressive is just as bad as being submissive it really is because people swing to one side you know it some people are very good at being aggressive and are very good at diving in and getting their own way and just ju by being aggressive it 's naturally aggressive .
21 After seeing it work for so long , I began to perceive Charlie 's charm as a method of robbing houses by persuading the owners to invite you in and take their possessions .
22 Once others are brought in and contribute their money or support to a project , they also have a stake in making it work .
23 The Council men and women came in and took their places at the Star Table .
24 Not people that could that can defend themselves that can what 's the name of it if they could Well they 've broken old people 's doors in and took their money and and hit them and whatsername .
25 The big US cosmetics acquisitions came in and washed their interest cost face .
26 The Noble Land Bank established in 1885 became the source of low-interest loans to rescue insolvent estates and encourage landlords to secure their future by investing in and improving their land .
27 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
28 The men climbed in and pushed their way through the animals towards Leeming .
29 He would even be willing for Viola to move in and share their bed .
30 The market research people moved in and pronounced their findings .
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