Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
2 Today I had three of them in the back of Armstrong , the ideal vehicle for such a job as a cab was unlikely to get moved along or clamped at a delicate , or indelicate , moment .
3 For those who would like a more relaxing evening , what better than to sit at an open air cafe , sipping an ice cold beer , listening to the local brass band in the village square and watching the sun slip down behind the mountains — perfect !
4 But in reality the amount and type of support which kin give each other varies with the particular historical circumstances within which family relationships are played out , so that looking at patterns of support at different points in time means that one is not comparing like with like in quite significant ways : there is variation both in people 's need for support and in the capacity of relatives to provide it .
5 For example , the bass knob , when pulled , provides an extra dollop of low EQ so that playing at lesser volumes will sound more natural ( having the same effect as the loudness control on a domestic hi-fi amp ) .
6 The procession , which takes place on the Saturday before the first Monday in August , leaves the town hall at 2pm and arrives at the cathedral some two hours later .
7 The fair starts at 2pm and finishes at 10pm .
8 Leading on from that , we fixed a meeting for this year aimed at getting to know each other better and looking at how to prepare together the ecumenical service .
9 She stopped suddenly and gazed at him .
10 The time flew past and we got onto the ferry at 4.00pm and sailed at 5.00pm .
11 I arrive in time to sort out the records for my show which starts at 8am and finishes at 10am .
12 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
13 One of the sentries reported inside and returned at once .
14 Constantly looking back , Richmann hurried inside and waved at the sentries .
15 His fingers dispensed with the buttons on the front of her dress and his hands , warm and firm and so , so clever , slipped inside and teased at the lace of her bra .
16 Mussels were handled gently and kept at lake temperature in ambient lake water during measurement .
17 Mr Havel , who has a genius for pinpointing the absurd , smiled gently and sipped at some mineral water .
18 He kicked gently and rose at an angle towards the ceiling .
19 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
20 He helped her to cream and sugar , then , taking his own black , sat down opposite and looked at her .
21 Surrounding himself with local knowledge was a form of entrenchment ; if you dig in and stare at a hill you can often persuade yourself you know what 's going on behind it .
22 Its very upsetting in more ways than one and an awkward time for a change of priests so Fr John will want just a little time to settle in and feel at home .
23 ‘ You do encourage potential residents to call in and inspect at any time , do n't you ? ’
24 Dr Neil , with many a joke , helped them , made change , and once went out to return with lemonade and glasses for all the ladies who were so busy manning the stalls , Mr Sands helping him — the rector being a vague benevolent figure who came in and blinked at them all , said , ‘ I am sure , ladies , that you will all gain treasure in heaven for your noble work here today , ’ and went out again .
25 The two girls hugely enjoyed this honour until the Roberts came in and glowered at them .
26 We used to walk in and stand at the foot of one of the giant cranes .
27 She still woke often in the night full of strange forebodings , but with the Reverend Baron to confide in and laugh at her wilder interpretations of what she had dreamed , she survived better .
28 Tim glanced in and understood at once .
29 She was grinning as she said it , but he did n't take that in and yelled at her about Women 's Lib claptrap .
30 A minute later a tall , stooped man came in and looked at them .
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