Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] or in " in BNC.

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1 Long years ago , we made a tryst with destiny , and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge , not wholly or in full measure , but very substantially .
2 Sometimes they have their uses in making the sentence flow more pleasantly or in avoiding too much repetition of the same work .
3 He 's always abroad or in London .
4 These three ninth-century writers purveyed a similar message in their own times to audiences made up wholly or in part of lay nobles .
5 This possibility can best be studied by examining twins growing up together or in different homes .
6 By section 39(6) it was provided that references to expenses ‘ incurred in or in connection with any matter includes a reference to a proper proportion of any expense incurred partly in or in connection with that matter . ’
7 read the answer the answer is no have appointed the U K's leading management specialist , management services Limited for several reasons , the firstly because of their profession and caring attitude to the management of housing , secondly , because time has shown , the management charges rise at a rate either slightly below or in the level of inflation , did you have any responsibility at all for that sentence ? and secondly the time
8 On no account should they be pushed straight up or in a jerky movement .
9 Coursework may be carried out individually or in groups ; the latter may involve peer assessment .
10 Out out out or in presumably ?
11 The seeds of life might have appeared spontaneously here or in space , or they might have been deliberately sent here by an extra-terrestrial intelligence .
12 So we can actually integrate most of the erm dominant relational databases that are out there or in your organization into this architecture to protect your investment in those technologies .
13 Computation involving halving and doubling can be carried out mentally or in writing and the range of numbers involved extended by the use of a calculator .
14 S 159(2) ( C ) , ICTA 1988 is quite specific in stating that availability as a pool car is only granted if ‘ it was in that year not normally kept overnight on or in the vicinity of any residential premises where any of the employees was residing , except while being kept overnight on premises occupied by the person making the car available to them ’ .
15 The Act of 1967 does not specify at what stage , or how often or in what form the consultation is to take place , but the subsection implies that it should be after the Secretary of State has received the recommendation of the Parole Board .
16 Before you make any statement , either verbally or in writing , make sure you have the facts .
17 Information can be given to each child separately ( either verbally or in writing ) , so that no-one knows what the others ' information is .
18 Staff do not , either verbally or in their written material , give more prominence to one establishment than others .
19 If the war was not the cause of that subsequent economic growth — either wholly or in part — then clearly it did not seriously inhibit it .
20 Under section 91 , the need to offer pre-emptive rights may be excluded by a provision in the memorandum or articles of a private company — either wholly or in relation to allotments of a particular description .
21 If the portfolio consists of gilts either wholly or in part , options may be purchased in the two gilts on offer : Conv 92% 2005 and Treasury 12% 1995 .
22 If listed building consent is given to demolish a building , either wholly or in part , the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments has to be notified so that it has the opportunity to make a record of it .
23 Other than that , though , it is dependent on other nations either wholly or in part for products such as bauxite , copper , lead , tungsten , tin , nickel , phosphates , potash , rice , corn , cotton , silk , coffee , tobacco , and forestry products , among others .
24 It can also help on its own either locally or in the diet .
25 Seen in feudal terms , the Crusades were a defence of the Lord 's rights to which , in all loyalty , all Christians should contribute , either personally or in other ways .
26 The importance of grazing both cows and sheep over the same land ( either together or in succession ) , both for the good of the sward and the health of the livestock , is explained at the beginning of Chapter 6 .
27 In the village there are numerous activities on offer ; horseriding , swimming either indoors or in the resort 's attractive open-air pool , crazy-golf , bowling , tennis and squash , and even summer skiing on the nearby glacier above Hintertux .
28 The only serious objection to it is that it must suffer badly from the cold and , in its country of origin at least , it must spend the whole of the winter either indoors or in a man-made coat .
29 details of how the school organises the teaching of children of different ages and abilities , together or in separate groups ( either generally or in particular subjects ) and requirements regarding homework ;
30 In contrast , Article 16 provides that a diplomatic officer or consular agent may only take evidence , without compulsion , of nationals of the State in which he exercises his functions , or of third States , if a competent authority in the requested State has given its permission , either generally or in the particular case , and subject to any conditions imposed .
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