Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How are you going to introduce me ? ’ she asked tartly , denying most vigorously that she could be jealous in any remote way .
2 The necessary analytic underpinning for the consensus was the belief that the state could manipulate the economy to achieve these goals , most importantly that it could always change spending to ensure full employment .
3 The limitation is that the people under observation may well feel rather acutely that they are being observed and may react against the observers , act unnaturally and perhaps even lie .
4 The three groups co-operated loosely so that none could be isolated and stopped .
5 you know er it helps if erm it helps if the groups that you 're comparing between there 's about sort of at least twenty people in each sort of thing , erm and the same goes for things like , things that you might want to do squares on or something like that erm so I mean if you were interested in comparing people who attended very regularly with people who only attended once in a while erm you know it would help if there were about sort of more than forty people altogether so that there was sort of , you know
6 Following the sale of the cargo and the payment of the net proceeds , U.S.$2,353,991.95 , into court , nothing further was done in the action until 16 January 1992 when Crossman Block issued a summons as ‘ solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ’ applying that the Republic of Somalia be joined as a party to the action , that the buyers of the cargo be also joined , presumably so that they could be bound by any decision of the court , and that
7 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
8 He tries to confine his searching to the area around the nest , presumably so that he can keep an eye on his partner .
9 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
10 And making a load of hay especially , you had to work it , roll every pitchfork you had , roll it and set it properly so that you knew as you now then you must have numbers on them so you know how to unravel that lot .
11 It was rather indifferently that he described to her his walk , his find , his leading of the police to the spot .
12 He pulled the door shut himself , discreetly so that there was the minimum noise .
13 Excitement spread tentacles that fastened round her heart , squeezing it mercilessly so that it was unable to beat , tentacles that compressed her lungs so they were unable to breathe .
14 Despite the fact that she wanted to weep , and she was shaking so badly inside that it was a wonder she could still stand up straight at all , she snorted derisively , because she was too afraid to believe his words .
15 The only way around these attempted take-offs was to walk very slowly so that we did n't build up too much ground speed , as airline pilots would say , and stop if Dawn 's wings did open .
16 Willie , meanwhile , not only remained silent during these conversations , but picked his berries slowly so that they might forget that he was there , but he reckoned without Zach .
17 Drink slowly so that your glass stays fuller longer .
18 Trent turned his body slowly so that he could get his hands on the rope .
19 The Woman leaned forward , her face eager , but it was Doyle who answered , dropping every word slowly so that it rippled like a stone in a pond .
20 and you bring it down , and if there 's anything wrong you 'll feel it slowly so that it may click , you do one side and then the other , right the old fashioned treatment for erm dislocated hip was double nappies , er do you know what that ?
21 He stretched out his arms and then turned slowly so that I could view the recycled Archie from all angles .
22 King lived in an age when growth rates changed only slowly so that his greatest concern was the possible end of the world !
23 He switched on the torch , but directed it upward so that there was only diffused light on the forest floor .
24 Your father and I have talked to Lewis and he 's said they are n't going to actually rush into anything , but they just feel so … right together that it 's … just come up , you know ?
25 Divide the cake in half lengthwise so that there are two long strips of cake .
26 Realising how she was staring at him , Isabel quickly looked back at the fire , leaning sideways a little so that her still-damp hair fell forward , partially shielding her face .
27 Then the front zip of her jeans yielded to his importuning hands and he eased away a little so that his fingers could slide inside , seeking , exploring , sensitising , until shudders shook her from head to foot .
28 Keep a good lookout and stay back from the line a little so that you do n't get into problems with people on starboard tack , then look for a gap to tack into .
29 It will keep you here a little so that you may have time to make your plans . ’
30 ABBERLEY : Would you mind turning your cardiograph around a little so that I can see it ?
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