Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They urged the EC to extend the generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) to a range of products from the region , and thereby effectively to allow them duty-free entry to the European market .
2 He should be encouraged and allowed to write it slowly enough to write it correctly .
3 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
4 First Parker put him clear only to see him miscontrol and allow Gunn to save — and then Gunn kept out his close-range diving header .
5 Clare walked down slowly to meet her .
6 Always explain what you are doing , and if they can understand you , ask if it 's all right to do it .
7 ‘ They 're all right to take me to the pictures , ’ she said .
8 ‘ And it 's all right to visit him now ? ’
9 All right to let him come up ? ’
10 To make sure they were all right to eat them
11 It was not a bad wound , but entirely enough to make me land badly and wrench my ankle .
12 because she 's not gon na be there long enough to do it .
13 They were the Test Match addicts , very small babies , icecream van drivers or , as in our house , parents with toddlers who WO N'T stay put long enough to let them catch breath , let alone get a tan !
14 Long enough to let me do what I need to do in Lothian .
15 Near one of these , a guardian-baboon squatted , on a leash long enough to enable it to run after any would-be shoplifter and seize his thigh in its jaws .
16 Would he reappear perhaps like Edwin Drood himself might have done if Mr Dickens had been spared long enough to conclude it ?
17 Joanne ca n't sit still long enough to feed her , but I love it .
18 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
19 The sergeant hesitated long enough to decide he would be wasting his time by further argument .
20 ‘ I wo n't say no for myself , but the old fellow wo n't stay awake long enough to drink it , ’ said Mary .
21 My chances of getting my hands on it long enough to give it the once-over were minimal , and I did n't fancy trying to steal it off Harley .
22 But we are given such a huge sweep from birth to incipient death that the movie never draws breath long enough to give us any depth or conflict .
23 But my great joy is that my parents both lived long enough to see me established on television .
24 Surveying the results of her handiwork , she stayed only long enough to see him scrabble for the safety of the bank .
25 ‘ He 'd been waiting long enough to see it . ’
26 I do n't think I 'd live long enough to see it mature .
27 If he does , he should ask the helper simply to make sure that the cars stop for long enough to allow him to cross : the helper should not take the patient 's arm and hurry him across .
28 I believe he overcame his aversion for — for anything — stronger long enough to beget me .
29 The trouble is we never stop long enough to put them to good use .
30 Wearing an apron , with her sleeves rolled up and her hair tucked under a duster , Rosie stopped polishing the brasswork on the beer-pumps long enough to throw her a cheerful smile .
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