Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 It was Anderson in his Manchester pamphlet who most conspicuously at this early stage of the antislavery campaign raised the free-labour argument and implicitly defined its appropriateness to man 's nature .
2 Theirs is not an ideal shared by a generation raised on crude manifestations of pop culture , most conspicuously in this case , a brash attempt to seize control of our most internationally famous football club .
3 I think that black kids are treated rather badly in this school , for example , there are less black kids in the ‘ A ’ band .
4 Grid planning was immensely popular and extensions of old medieval towns as well as the new industrial towns went on apace in this fashion .
5 The snowy owl and tawny owl assemblages diverge most greatly from this , with fewer complete mandibles than maxillae .
6 Right , well let's say we can go on and go on obviously with this .
7 But I mean erm , I mean it it 's blatantly obviously at this
8 Let us now dig a little deeper into this theory and try to appreciate Abelard 's thought from within .
9 If there was a bit of low in the land , he had to let his plough bite in a little deeper at this spot to bring his furrows up level .
10 And this is a Sotino which is a quality brand in those days , I , I , do n't know if it still is , I assume it is , erm , which was not advertised at all , and although the Rolex 's and so on in this world have been heavily advertised as they came on the market , Sotino 's never really was , so my father had a struggle I suspect selling .
11 ‘ What I meant was do you wish to pull in somewhere till this has eased a bit ? ’
12 Nor for those others that came so rarely to this place .
13 For most chairmen , however , Citrine 's view that they should move only slowly in this direction , doing little more than break even ( but conceding part of the case for higher depreciation ) , seemed quite consistent with the philosophy of nationalisation .
14 Then would come the journey to Paris , after which ( as he noted in another connection in the same letter ) " it will be all right in this academic career " .
15 Only the quota on Japanese vehicles prevents a true head-to-head with the class-leading Discovery and the Isuzu Trooper that has cashed in so successfully in this growth sector of the market .
16 Some have argued that the lands of the Iceni suffered so badly from this act of destruction that the tribe remained economically backward .
17 Nor is the Book of Daniel necessarily alone in this perspective .
18 That is especially so at this time , when we are effectively handing from Parliament to Ministers the right to decide , on private Bills , to lay orders .
19 But we have dwelt long enough on this final stage of the fibre slimming story .
20 ‘ Well , let's just say that it 's crossed your mind that maybe , maybe if you stay long enough in this place it 'll get to you in the same way as it got to me .
21 This , while nowhere near as long as a hummingbird 's tongue , is quite long enough from this position to burgle the nectaries .
22 Somewhere out there , in a room perhaps much like this one , Tyler was with his woman .
23 Thank you so much for this month 's beautiful surprise !
24 Thank you so much for this month 's beautiful surprise !
25 So much for this brief guide to selecting a refrigerator .
26 He feels that as he loved her so much during this time , he ca n't believe she was n't feeling the same way .
27 The inner city is a social problem of an imaginary space , realised incoherently , though no less brutally for this incoherence .
28 The crowd were settling in nicely to this when Ray ‘ Preston ’ joined John for a few numbers .
29 They were only together for this term : after that — who knows ?
30 Why has it taken so long for this in his technique to be exposed ?
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