Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 they 've already made their minds up and a and definitely a lot of people vote on on on basically the choice
2 Phelps and I picked up one of his colleagues at two o'clock this morning , driving suspiciously slowly down the A614 near Ollerton .
3 I 've seen out in the street mountive er mounted police charging down rather like the Battle of Balaclava and inside the station problems arising and it 's nasty to be involved and in those days I 've travelled on a Saturday afternoon often .
4 Something more stubbornly personal , something closer to the rot within him he was determined to stop , lay perhaps rather nearer the mark .
5 Y'know that somehow um , perhaps rather like the psychoanalytic notion of repression , something like that , somehow um er they 've been unable to remember for a number of years , possibly even decades , and er something triggers it .
6 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
7 The real danger of course is the forthcoming Police bill the proposal which were instituted by the present er Treasurer , erm er the Chancellor er and instituted further on by the present Home Secretary would lead to a centrally appointed Police committee at least fifty percent and a centrally appointed chairman , paid by the Home Secretary much rather like the Leicestershire Health Authority and of course this will severely undermine the local democratic accountability of the Police service .
8 Rosen shot down most effectively the old fallacy that somehow or other the 1950s , the era of the Grammar Schools and Beacon Readers , were a golden age for children 's books and childhood literacy .
9 Perhaps most importantly the vendor should remember that the value of the consideration shares can go down as well as up and the purchaser may require the vendor to agree to restrictions on the manner and timing of subsequent sales of the shares by the vendor .
10 And , if the situation with regard to individual psychological development and the evolution of culture is as I have represented it , then this is merely the first of many profound insights into the psychology of the ego — and perhaps most especially the superego — which can be expected but which were totally unobtainable as long as the individualistic fallacy blocked the way .
11 Well , erm a lot of your tax relief under the MIRAS system , which you 're aware it gives you tax relief at source up to thirty thousand , has been absorbed up here , that 's where most of your tax relief is , so down here the tax relief on the capital element is nil , and of , it 's only , if it 's only about three thousand outstanding , I might say , well , get rid of that , you know , just , just erm er cash it , and then you 've got the l you c can forget your mortgage commitment altogether .
12 ‘ I was only down here the once , you know , early on when I helped you clean the kiosk up .
13 But the new cohorts felt much less keenly the social conditions from which the class alignment arose in the first place .
14 Essentially , occupational pension schemes are designed — by men with male ‘ family wage-earners ’ and male middle-class career patterns in mind , so not only do they exclude the majority of part-time workers , but they tend to assume that earnings peak in the final years of working life , which is much less often the case for women than for men .
15 Apart from this it was probably true to say that the Truman Administration , well before it came to an end , had run out of ideas on Vietnam ; and it is probably true also that at the end of 1951 the weight of the French problem was beginning to shift : not so much how the US could get France out but how to keep her in .
16 The nationalists as a party capable of national leadership — that is to say the VNQDD — had admittedly been destroyed but while the ICP was not much better off the difference was that the VNQDD never really recovered from French repression .
17 If you were a " Sir " then the name just after that was your first name , so that must be the surname … and Christian name was easy because Christ had been Jesus Christ , so obviously therefore the Christian name was the second name … and that was how you could tell .
18 Edward Thomas may not have known that he was also making an ecological point when he pinned down so precisely the atmosphere and feel of these places :
19 She banged the receiver down so hard the telephone skidded off the bedside table and clattered to the floor .
20 He took a deep breath , then slammed the piano lid down so hard the notes reverberated all round the theatre .
21 ‘ For those who think that this is window dressing , I pause to remind you that not so long ago the Lord Chancellor was himself the subject of judicial review proceedings , ’ he added .
22 Not so long ago the water used to steam away like a perishing engine on these tables in hot weather .
23 As for the Liberal Democrats , one recalls how not so long ago the Alliance included such instantly recognisable figures as David Owen , David Penhaligon , Cyril Smith and Clement Freud .
24 Not so long ago the most that a motorist did with his car on Sunday was wash it .
25 I should add that I had some entertainment on learning that not so long ago the local minister had run off with a young man .
26 The reason I 'm telling you all this is that not so long ago the PD scene seemed to be in decline .
27 Not so long ago the reviewer was a minister in the Conservative government .
28 Not so long ago the Labour was singing the praises of the trade union movement , especially the G M B , yet , only last night on T V a Shadow Minister , David said the G M B were wrong in what they were doing , they should be behind John Smith .
29 The fundamental weakness in Oswine 's position was not necessarily so much the challenge from Swaefheard as the lack of support within the kingdom for a prince of Eormenred 's line .
30 One computer printout format included incidences of errors and diagnostic information as well as right or wrong codings , but it proved time-consuming for teachers to use and expensive to produce and post , so generally only the simpler right or wrong data were sent to the schools .
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