Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 Her hair , for all she was eight months and one week pregnant , had that day been coiffeured , lacquered and backcombed until it stuck out all around her head .
2 Suppressed tensions were unreadable in his face ; all around his head , a flickering crown that also veiled his eyes , blue lightnings wreathed and knotted .
3 Inside you , inside you , I can never get enough of being inside you , makes me break apart , clench my teeth , drag breath so deep my head spins .
4 ‘ There are grilles high up in the walls , so whatever happens do n't make a sound or we 'll be in a cell so fast your head will spin . ’
5 Can you imagine playing this when you 're just out your head ?
6 Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room .
7 But the thumb and fingers was not where my head was at , really , even though I was a great Chet Atkins fan , and Merle Travis and all those guys .
8 But no , this ai n't Alvin Stardust , and anyone who tries to lump me with these people gets the wrath of Harley straight on their head . ’
9 He does n't move , then suddenly his head gives a small jerk forward and his eyes buck wide open , the way they always used to when he 'd make some incoherent claim to lineage to the gods .
10 Very slowly his head moved .
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