Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [modal v] we " in BNC.

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1 Only rarely can we state restrictions across sentences ' ( loc. cit . ) .
2 Only rarely can we assess this spatial information in terms of settlement expansion and contraction through time .
3 Only so can we begin to examine the contradictory presuppositions of educational theory , conceptual confusions which have led inevitably to fumbling and uncertain practice .
4 Only so can we hope to retain their enthusiasm for what must inevitably sometimes seem a long and weary journey .
5 Only together can we maintain the sovereignty of the GDR and save our country from anarchy and chaos , ’ it said .
6 Only together can we maintain the sovereignty of the GDR and save our country from anarchy and chaos , ’ it said .
7 Only together can we maintain the sovereignty of the GDR and save our country from anarchy and chaos , ’ the statement said .
8 I think it would be nice if we all got together so will we aim to do that sometime in the next month or so and I 'll tell Napier that that we 're doing that
9 I said , so so shall we actually save each other time , and we 'll both come in with reasonable , reasonable , till we open our pay , you know , erm , stand-points , and he said , yeah , all right .
10 So so can we ask the clerk to look into that and couple it with
11 Only thus can we construct a constituency whose natural home is Labour .
12 Only thus can we hope to produce a noble race .
13 We can not get our raw materials in , we can not get unfinished projects out , so please can we push with the dealing of the A twelve so that we can get in and out of the south ?
14 Just as surely God desires to lead us to a knowledge of genuine Christian fellowship , so surely must we be overwhelmed by a great general disillusionment with others , with Christians in general , and , if we are fortunate , with ourselves .
15 Thank you very much indeed can we move on to the
16 Only then shall we be able to assess how far the dominance of the public schools and ( what is of much less significance ) of Oxford and Cambridge has begun to lessen .
17 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
18 They argue that the same rigour should be applied to the study of older patients with cancer as for younger - ‘ only then will we see strikingly reduced population mortality and improved quality of life for older patients with cancer . ’
19 Only then will we rival the Japanese , ’ he said .
20 Only then will we be able to see what 's so special about observing them by being told them .
21 Now critics of contemporary systems say so much for the worse for contemporary system , we have to move to one of the other models , maybe suitably amended and only then will we be truly free and equal .
22 Only then will we achieve a proper balance between the services , in relation to current or potential tasks .
23 Only then could we hope to have both a community mental health programme and meaningful community care .
24 Only then can we guide the evolution of the countryside within legitimately broad terms of reference and continue the age-old process of civilizing the rivers .
25 Addresses have been drawn by statistically random methods and , as you will appreciate , the success of the research depends upon our obtaining the highest possible response rate as only then can we ensure that the sample is truly representative .
26 Only then can we speak of them as part of our cultural heritage .
27 Only then can we ask more pointed questions about their clarity of vision , their underlying reasons , and the true meaning of the episodes .
28 Only then can we defend with patriotic idealism and in poetic struggle the noble values of Tradition , Family , Hearth and Homeland .
29 Only then can we recreate the nature of the place and transform our understanding of Shakespeare 's plays .
30 If we wish to reclaim responsibility for ourselves we must aim for self-sufficiency because only then can we have control over our lives .
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