Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , although the chronicler was well informed , and has something to offer on events in Mercia and Northumbria , he seems to have known most , or perhaps merely wished to say most , about what happened in southern England and East Anglia .
2 It 's it 's like I I better not say say this but Irishmen over that when when I when I used to work with Irishmen my word they was good Irishmen .
3 ‘ It is a decision that has to be made by the International Cricket Council and , under their rules , I am basically not allowed to say anything , ’ he said .
4 Erm no we do n't want that so just keep saying no .
5 Er , you only just have to say , well you know , would it suit you for me to come in
6 Has anyone else noticed how , in the player interviews in the match programme , everyone so far has said without fail that the funniest player at Elland Road is our Jon .
7 Gee , there must be enough here to buy say , a cup of tea … or insulate the loft .
8 Dagmar was a real pain sometimes , coming out with things you 'd rather not have said .
9 ‘ Katherine , I have to tell you something I would rather not have to say , ’ Mathilde plunged in and then hesitated .
10 ‘ Mr Major is not suddenly going to say let's have a referendum , ’ said one Scottish Tory source .
11 We 've not only got to say to the government , that you 're not coping you 've got to say , if you 're a mother , a worker and a wife , you 've got to say to your husband , look , I 'm not coping .
12 I would not normally have said that that was a reflection on the respective debating abilities of the hon. Members for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) and for Blackburn .
13 Could you not equally have said : ‘ Ha !
14 ‘ My mother sends you her — her regards , ’ she muttered , for some reason not even wanting to say the word ‘ love ’ .
15 They usually do not even risk saying , as they truthfully could , that though groups may differ on the average , group differences are small relative to individual differences , and that every sociological stratum and ethnic group contains the full range of mental ability .
16 Although he does not quite dare to say it , he wants the entire ERM to dissolve .
17 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
18 HILARY PARROTT enjoyed an overdue change of luck at Hereford yesterday when Dare Say took advantage of the last fence fall of Mweenish in the Hugh Sumner Challenge Bowl Handicap Chase .
19 We are most positively not going to say anything like that .
20 and er , which we finished , and I would really just like to say that erm , thanks very much for the cooperation that we received from the offices generally across the authority .
21 But you do n't necessarily have to say the whole number .
22 He 'd looked round and it had seemed like just about the first place he 'd seen , and some part of him deep down had said : It 's got to be somewhere , why not here ?
23 Well just keep saying something , keep talking to me !
24 For Rabbit does n't just want to say what 's true : he wants to make Pooh believe it .
25 I do n't really want to say anything else , except that SMG is now operating quite nicely . ’
26 Chairman , I do n't really want to say very much er by way of rounding up I think that we 've had a very significant er debate here today , there 's been a lot of discussion on very important issues , erm I think throughout that we we 've managed to get er a certain number of of issues really er in my view at least anyway sorted out .
27 Just , and I could n't really say say where I hurt .
28 The other woman had caught her completely on the raw with her mention of the man she had seen Adam with , though to be honest she could n't really have said why .
29 But he could equally well have said one is enthusiasm and the other is cynicism , one is facility and the other is aridity , one is gregariousness and the other is solitude , one is the belief that no one has ever done anything of value before and the other is the belief that everything has already been done , one is spontaneity and the other is cerebration , one is joy and the other is despair , one is heart and the other is mind , one is the garret and the other is the penthouse , one is sincerity and the other is irony , one is Jung and the other is Freud , one is Rimbaud and the other is Mallarmé , one is wine and the other is coffee , one is rags and the other is riches , one is women and the other is celibacy , one is health and the other is disease , one is meat and the other is vegetables , one is life and the other is death , one is everything in upper case and the other is everything in lower case , one is everything in roman and the other is everything in italics .
30 Well he does n't even need to say anything at all actually you could just sit down , erm and start to write a poem about what he imagines .
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