Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His tenacious belief in the venture by keeping it running cost him heavy personal financial loss and his ‘ nursing ’ of this satire on operetta that has rarely been equalledis largely forgotten ( but not by me ) .
2 They 'd all been kind enough to Felix in the hospital .
3 We had all been prisoners long enough to know that you must allow people to be unbalanced if they felt like it .
4 She refers , in particular , to radical feminists who turn on its head the criticism that women are more emotional than men , and claim that not only are women more emotional , but that this is their strength , and that in comparison , men are enfeebled , deadened and impoverished creatures .
5 Not only are men more likely to receive increased back-up support from professional services such as health visitors , home helps and nurses , they are also likely to receive more informal help from relatives , friends and neighbours .
6 ‘ Oh , well , I 'd better be orf too .
7 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
8 Death , it can only be hours away for both of them and here they have this conversation .
9 A full-scale attack would then only be weeks away if American and other jets enforce the no-fly zone .
10 ‘ The mothers 'll only be skivvies anywhere they get billeted , so I might as well choose my own place .
11 A teacher from an urban school , discussing the reasons for a recent teachers ' strike , said that not only were salaries low when the amount of time worked outside classroom hours was taken into account , but also teachers often had to pay for classroom materials out of their own pockets , if they wanted to have any .
12 So were folk actually invited to that before ?
13 Why is a hierarchy of indexes used in IS files rather than a single large index ?
14 perhaps be home soon from wherever he 's gone
15 So is Adam just off for a week or is it a fortnight ?
16 So is Nicaragua today a democracy , or is it not ?
17 It read : ‘ Not only is debt partly responsible for the slump in commodity prices ; it also devours the money earned by Third World exports .
18 Not only is AT&T probably paying too much , it should not have been trying to buy the firm in the first place .
19 In terms of travel , not only is Edinburgh conveniently situated for road and rail travel to other parts of Britain and Europe , but the roads north give rapid and easy access to the dramatic scenery of the Scottish Highlands .
20 In the wake of major advances in medicine and technology it 's interesting to hear that not only is acupuncture still used for many human conditions , but there is also an increasing trend toward using acupuncture for pets .
21 Winyard notes that , ‘ Not only is unemployment far higher in the North , but also people stay on the register for longer periods . ’
22 Not only is Martin now the proud owner of a brand new set of Elite Strings , but is also ‘ eternally grateful ’ to me for featuring this bass part and naming the bassist involved , a certain Rutger Gunnarson .
23 For not only is maintenance now much less frequent , all scheduled depot attention is given at night or at weekends or between peak diagrams .
24 Result : not only is disposal much more hygienic than other methods , but it 's also cheaper .
25 Not only is diesel much less expensive at the pumps , especially in France and Italy , but purchase tax on diesel-powered cars is reduced .
26 Only be drumsticks now for for parties wo n't it Jean ?
27 Not only was money now possibly available , but , as a result of the conferences , ‘ authoritative ’ statements supporting curriculum reform had become available from an influential source . [ … ]
28 Not only was France here , and on many subsequent occasions , unable to pronounce the word ‘ independence ’ .
29 Following the war , a great deal of redrafting of the official creed took place , and Scouting for Boys was repeatedly updated so that not only was militarism explicitly disowned , but the earlier racial imperialism was swapped for international brotherhood and goodwill .
30 Not only was production somewhat slipshod — with cameras crashing into scenery , sound effects drowning out voices , etc — but the whole dramatic structure was wrong in their eyes too .
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