Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] because of " in BNC.

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1 This amounts to 6 million annually and because of elevated ground-water levels its removal by leaching is impaired .
2 For our latest companions this was a new experience , but the glacier was benign and they were confident , unhurried walkers who found pleasure rather than because of the crevasses or steep , unstable cliffs .
3 If so , this would suggest a social preference for regarding killings of these kinds as among the worst because of the circumstances in which they occur , rather than because of the defendant 's awareness of the possible consequences .
4 Like the French and Burgundians , d'Ayala was aware of the fighting qualities of the Scots ; it was indeed , he claimed , because they preferred fighting to work that the country was poor , rather than because of a lack of natural resources .
5 A situation develops in which department heads gain extra resources or prevent cuts in their allocation because of their micro-political skills , rather than because of their departmental needs .
6 But I suspected you were — well , feeling the way you did because of the way I 've been wrapped up in work , rather than because of any change in your condition . ’
7 In particular , you may gain the impression that you are being victimised because of what you are , rather than because of who you are .
8 Naturally , most of the iron tonics sold over chemists ' counters were bought because of the universal metaphor that iron equals strength rather than because of a popular awareness of the needs of haemoglobin .
9 In a game of increasing thunder , he 's a welcome fork of lightning , sometimes appearing to thrive in spite of team-mates rather than because of them .
10 Since three out of every four owners report behavioural problems with their dogs at some stage , it is clear that probably most strays are discarded for this reason , rather than because of other factors such as family break-ups or emigration .
11 This seems to be because temple , villa and tomb sites have been plundered — mainly in antiquity — rather than because of any original dearth .
12 Of course , it is more complex than that because allowance has to be made for convergent evolution , which is the acquisition of common characteristics by virtue of having been subjected to the same selection pressures , rather than because of sharing a common ancestor .
13 If the plan failed , it was because of Gaunt 's personal ambitions in Spain , rather than because of any objection of principle to the scheme .
14 On the contrary , its successes have been won in spite rather than because of that Movement .
15 Women working in West Belfast do so in spite of government policies rather than because of them .
16 They do not however use this data to temper their judgements , with the result that a school may be praised because of the intake characteristics of the pupils rather than because of anything it has done .
17 If shares are not accurately priced then there is ‘ considerable scope for take-overs based on speculative and other motives where corporate control changes hands because of differences in information , or of opinion about the accuracy of stock market valuations , between sellers and purchasers of control , rather than because of proposed changes in management objectives or operating efficiency ’ .
18 Moreover , the electorate often seems to vote for a candidate and a party in ignorance of , and in spite of ( rather than because of ) , the party programme that is on offer .
19 The development of chaffinch song is most obviously classified as non-associative learning , because the bird learns its song by comparing it with a template rather than because of any consequence of singing a better chaffinch song .
20 In some schools , there is a tendency for any work to be justified on the grounds that it is ‘ part of a project ’ rather than because of its educational value .
21 We might almost say that successful businesses have had to succeed despite hierarchical organization rather than because of it .
22 He also emphasized his belief that Supreme Court Justices should be chosen for their overall competence rather than because of their stance on " litmus test " issues .
23 The UK conversion to metric standards removed ambiguities from an area of international affairs because it was widely understood and accepted rather than because of any intrinsic merit .
24 ‘ Planning ’ was judged to have taken place if the girl had known the man for at least six months before cohabitation and if she cohabited for positive reasons rather than because of outside pressures such as pregnancy or the need to escape from an unhappy home .
25 During the late 1940s and early 1950s the Communist movement was further weakened by splits in the parties of Mexico , Venezuela , Colombia , Argentina , Bolivia , Peru and Brazil — mostly over the questions of local tactics discussed above or because of rivalry for the party leadership .
26 These apply in some contracts made by minors and generally where because of a special relationship , one party is able to take unfair advantage of another .
27 The question has been so controversial because of uncertainty about the law relating to arbitrators and experts generally and because of the differences between the consequences of an expert 's decision and the consequences of an arbitration award .
28 exactly but because of that they 're playing the ball through the Forest er midfield and they are looking a lot better side .
29 Rain falling through canopies of spruce forests becomes more acid probably because dry deposits on leaves are washed off and because of chemical reaction with the leaves .
30 I had lost you once before because of my stupidity but now here was something else that completely undermined me — a tiny baby , a hold over you that I could never compete with .
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