Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] with the " in BNC.

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1 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
2 Many artists derive enormous rewards in terms of feedback for future work by working in or with the public .
3 Our minds ca n't cope with the large distances that astronomy deals in or with the small distances that atomic physics deals in , but we can represent those distances in mathematical symbols .
4 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
5 It has long been held to look like a cello , but the elliptical window above the door looks like a beak to me , so that with the round windows above the upper façade looks nothing so much as a chick wearing a Napoleonic hat .
6 Dysentery among the passengers continued and during the storm almost everyone had been sick , so that with the lack of sanitation the steerage was truly awash .
7 Mu Cephei is only of the fifth magnitude ( at least , generally so ; it is somewhat variable ) , so that with the naked eye it is not impressive even though it is actually redder than Betelgeux .
8 And erm I think generally people do n't realize how quite unique that is. erm one thing , of course , which is also not erm very readily understood , is the involvement of the legal person , the Clerk to the Justices , in the system , so that with the three Justices you 'll having sitting you 'll have sitting below them the legally qualified Clerk , and I suppose it 's this particular feature of the system which is difficult for people abroad to comprehend _ how a legally qualified person can be sitting there without dominating the proceedings .
9 In the NIPPV group , mortality within 30 days was less than with the conventional treatment group : 1/26 vs 9/30 ( relative risk=0.13 , CI=0.02 to 0.95 , p=0.014 ) .
10 The British executive is collective and the Prime Minister 's power is exercised in and with the Cabinet .
11 This is a Cenotaph Corner with five hundred feet of lurching exposure thrown in and with the arms already tested by four demanding pitches .
12 They , too , need to know without delay where they stand so that they can prepare to work in and with the new structures and make their own bids for funds .
13 With a gallant wave of one hand he invited Melissa to sit down and with the other placed a small pile of well-thumbed paperbacks on a table in front of her .
14 Swiftly and with the minimum of noise , they laid the small table with heavy silver tableware and spread out the various dishes .
15 Point out that in the case of a married couple or a permanent relationship ( especially between a man and woman living together and with the possibility of children , planned or unexpected ) , the joint tenancy is the surest guarantee that on the death of either there will at least be a roof over the heads of the surviving family , particularly if there is to be a mortgage supported by a life endowment policy .
16 The Leader , following in the track of the horses , went some paces ahead scanning the forest on either side ; behind him followed Hugh , walking close by Marian 's side ; still further back , together but with the width of the track between them , were Michael and the thin man ; and bringing up the rear was Crane , the young man who had run after the horses .
17 Is n't it more the case that it 's not so much what they 're trying to get away with , it 's just that how what was happening the peasants did see the world that they were in but with the Communist Party and the revolution that the idea is to change the way the peasants see the world and how they view themselves
18 Whereas the time taken for a computer working randomly but with the constraint of cumulative selection to perform the same task is of the same order as humans ordinarily can understand , between 11 seconds and the time it takes to have lunch .
19 However , cost would preclude very frequent advertising via this particular medium , so for frequency of exposure it would be preferable to consider hoardings and transport advertisements ( eg as with the famous Guinness advertisements ) .
20 So as with the birth of Culham in Britain , there was again the possibility that fusion could profit .
21 She agreed with the Bishop of Lincoln rather than with the students of Lincoln , for she thought him a disaster in the pulpit ; blinking , and articulating his words with difficulty , and often using the peculiar phrase ‘ paradoxic ally speaking ’ .
22 The importance which Engels attributed to this came entirely from his anthropological sources and really reflects an old-fashioned type of archaeology obsessed with material remains rather than with the general way of life .
23 The wording with which section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957 introduced diminished responsibility is rather unsatisfactory , but judges , counsel , doctors , and juries have approached it with a compassionate pragmatism rather than with the rarefied verbal analysis too frequently encountered in English criminal law .
24 Perhaps understandably , in view of the problems he encountered and the opposition of some members of the county council , his concern was to establish prestigious links between village colleges and the University of Cambridge in the provision of adult education rather than with the much less regarded WEA .
25 Interest rates Short-term management of the economy has meant that governments manipulate interest rates to ensure reelection , rather than with the long term interests of the economy in mind .
26 Empirical research in the 1960s demonstrated that even in the cases where the middle class had been initially progressive , success had given them a conservative outlook and led them to join forces with the traditional elite rather than with the working class ( Ratinoff 1967 , Sunkel 1965 ) .
27 The football authorities in England accepted the explanation and sided with Gallacher and the Newcastle team , probably as a gesture of national protocol rather than with the conviction that the Scot was telling the truth .
28 The latter question is concerned with a judgement of the aims of the course rather than with the functioning of the course .
29 Counselling is concerned with strain rather than with the facts .
30 This section is concerned with the method of establishing baselines rather than with the details of measurement .
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