Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] give it " in BNC.

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1 Either let your hair dry naturally or give it a quick blast with a diffuser/dryer .
2 I can do no better than give it my full recommendation .
3 Her response was , ‘ You 'd better come in and give it to her yourself . ’
4 If you have , I will buy the house you live in and give it to you . ’
5 I wrote it all down and gave it to a solicitor .
6 But another judge will come along and give it a fine mark , but
7 ‘ Culture is an integrated system of beliefs ( about God or reality or ultimate meanings ) , of values ( about what is true , good , beautiful and normative ) , of customs ( how to behave , relate to others , talk , pray , dress , work , trade , farm , eat , etc. ) , and of institutions which express these beliefs , values and customs ( government , law courts , temples or churches , family , school , hospitals , factories , shops , unions , clubs , etc. ) , which bind a society together and give it a sense of identity , dignity , security , and continuity . ’
8 It 's come in in different ways , maths , English and science from Spring Gardens is separate separate sheets which we can actually take out the files and give to each department , there 's no problem there Saint John 's again , is separate sheets , Collingwood is n't , it 's actually on photocopiable sheets , we either cut them up and give them out separately in some form or whatever , and what I 've , what we hope to do over the next maybe this year is to ask them for a sheet each , for each subject that we can actually take out of the file and give to each department , so that is has arrived , it ha did arrive last year but it arrived in such hotch botch that we did n't actually give it out , but we certainly have it this year and Marian and I certainly , Marian anyway will get that together and give it out to departments .
9 Now you can , those are both the same sides so you 're gon na en add them together and give it the sign that is common to both .
10 ( 7 ) The agreement will be construed so as to give it business efficacy .
11 So , rather than give it all up and find another movie , they bought the licence to the film 's soundtrack ( a rather haunting piece by Vangelis ) which , surprise surprise , was called ‘ Blade Runner ’ !
12 Nevertheless , there was a strong tendency in some constituencies for voters to " plump " for one candidate and waste their second vote , rather than give it to someone from the opposing party .
13 Miranda taller , with her bushy hair and colouring that the Italians whose paintings she 'd been looking at in the Louvre rendered by priming the canvas with a copper-based green paint , creating a complexion that draws light in rather than gives it out ; Xanthe beside her with her candy radiance of pink and gold , and rounder too , more neatly assembled , wrist to hand , neck to shoulders , ankle to foot .
14 But Whitehall should contract out as much as possible of this research to industry itself rather than giving it to government establishments .
15 Antenor de Santa Cruz , commander of the Amazon , spoke on behalf of the military when he pledged to fight any defence of the ‘ environment and minorities ’ and to ‘ occupy the [ Yanomami ] area , rather than giving it up . ’
16 you know , the money is put towards their f food and things , rather than giving it to somebody else .
17 You can not talk about regeneration of of an economy or or s sustained economy , er it is one added to agenda and we will have to prepare to let the economy just over the border at Heathrow fade away and give it to another country .
18 She marched over to the desk set against the wall , and scribbled three chemical formulas on the hotel writing paper before folding it over and giving it to Mike .
19 Harbury rattled on : ‘ I know he 'd rather make a statement later on and give it simultaneously to everyone .
20 Later , both sloppy drunk , he climbed on and gave it to her and just before he came she put a finger up his asshole and it was the strangest sensation he 's ever had .
21 I mean the big fellows here they 've got to try and run it off or give it a tug and come off come off and get the er the sub on .
22 The trick is to keep the line direct to the float , without disturbing the float more than to give it a slight lift .
23 Something put his hand on Anne 's bottom , but did not seem to mind too much when she peeled it off and gave it back to him .
24 ‘ He 'd been wearing this over the shirt he wore for the sitting , ’ Edwards said , ‘ and at the end of the last sitting just as he was leaving , as an afterthought , he said , ‘ Oh you better have this ’ and took it off and gave it to me , like the end of a football match . ’
25 Take your head off and give it a rest .
26 He does n't flirt with it , he takes it home and gives it a good f—ing .
27 He ran down the corridor to fetch his own letter home and gave it to Murray , taking this small offer of service as a token that their friendship would continue .
28 Much as she would have liked to stay , Penny had to hurry home with her budgie , but she learned later that Brownie Owl got the puppy out of the tree and took it home and gave it food .
29 For example , a boy under 10 years , the age of criminal responsibility , took his friend 's bicycle home and gave it to his father .
30 I must take it off at once and give it to Donna so that she can rinse it … ’
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