Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] there [be] " in BNC.

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1 Negotiations dragging on where there is apparently little separating the two sides ( quite likely in the case of job evaluation where a five point difference in a grade boundary might represent hundreds of posts ) can lead to accusations of bad faith and a potentially dangerous deterioration in the general climate of industrial relations .
2 But just so long as they take me somewhere where there 's the right kind of electricity …
3 They 've said would n't you like to be somewhere where there 's people you can talk to an that and she said yeah , did n't she ?
4 Likewise , according to this theory , as we are all stress-prone , we are bound to get stressed when we find ourselves working somewhere where there is a high stress-count .
5 ‘ It 's clearly bad to construct a golf course somewhere where there is an existing habitat , or grassland .
6 where it was but I came across somewhere where there was a freephone and people at a g on a given sort of in a given week could all just go and use this freephone number , and ring up and they 'd hear a tape recording .
7 Somewhere where there was plenty of social life .
8 Erm , Chair , on the general financial position , it 's , it 's what I referred to earlier , as moving from somewhere where there were a direct employer or where we were grant-aiding a voluntary body to get on to a more , ultimately a more commercial footing , where we relate the money that we 're paying to the services that are being provided .
9 Andrew Telford , owner of Regal Diving , said : ‘ Perhaps we could have a compromise and dive only where there are no human remains .
10 An exception arises only where there are concomitant changes that confer an advantage on the rarer types .
11 Then , if cartilage is made only where there are peaks , a basic pattern will be established which could then be modified by positional information to give the characteristic patterns of the humerus , radius and ulna , wrist , and hand .
12 However , they should be prescribed only where there are definite indications .
13 For only where there are seams of Belemnita quadrata chalk , covered by a layer of Tertiary debris , will the vines produce radiant crops on the Falaises , and grapes that can be turned into champagne which has champagne 's unique , inimitable flavour . ’
14 The Race Relations Act 1976 This Act has not been similarly amended and applies only where there are six or more partners .
15 Such an order should be made only where there is evidence of the defendant 's ability to pay .
16 Only where there is a strong ‘ in-house ’ maintenance capability , and good liaison between users and the machine supplier , is it wise to treat chemicals as products in isolation .
17 ‘ Marriage can succeed for an artist only where there is enough money to save him from taking on uncongenial work and a wife who is intelligent enough to understand and respect the working of the unfriendly cycle of the creative imagination .
18 However , the European Court has recently held that national courts should declare that agreements infringe Article 85 only where there is no possibility of the Commission granting an exemption .
19 Installation through a window is possible only where there is single glazing .
20 The condition is implied only where there is a sale by description .
21 In the current political climate , with the state sector steadily withdrawing from the provision of public services and the private sector providing alternatives only where there is a possibility of profit , the third sector of the economy , that of charitable organisations , becomes increasingly important .
22 Only where there is deception as to the nature of the act or as to the identity of the accused will there be no consent .
23 The grant of a right of way over a road will include the following ancillary rights : ( 1 ) the right to stop for such time as is necessary to load and unload vehicles ( McIlraith v Grady [ 1968 ] 1 QB 468 ) but only where there is no other convenient place to stop London and Suburban Land v Carey ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 480 ) ; and ( 2 ) the right to a sufficiency of vertical space immediately above the road for the purpose of loading and unloading ( VT Engineering Ltd v Barland ( Richard ) & Co Ltd ( 1968 ) 19 P & CR 890 ) .
24 In my opinion the true rule is that the definition applies only where there is an element of bounty .
25 It is probable that this exception would apply only where there is a state of affairs which would make it unsafe to use the vehicle immediately .
26 It may be that this was done only where there was a public interest , but we have already seen that in the two areas in which trusts involved purely private interests , restitution of property and manumission , the remedies of cognitio were in any case adequate to secure specific performance .
27 It was more a trickle than a flood , for peaceful homesteads could be successfully built only where there was relative security , and where there were known to be agriculturally suitable regions .
28 The logic of this is defensible enough where there are members of the public to be terrified , but it was subsequently held that the offence need not take place in public , on the grounds that bystanders might become just as terrified in private as they would in public .
29 Finding a partner can become more difficult the older people get , and retirement from work means one place less where there is the possibility of meeting someone new .
30 Others buy their plants on impulse , pop them in where there is a gap , and hope Mother Nature will sort out the mess .
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