Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] we may " in BNC.

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1 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
2 In 1949 , Amaldi wrote to the Italian prime minister asking for permission to produce and sell sealing wax for letters , ‘ so that we may raise needed funds for our physics lab ’ .
3 Be with them in peace so that we may remain with our family and children in peace .
4 Christ , in some mysterious way , takes upon himself our folly and failure and makes it his own , so that we may go free .
5 It is accepting the lifestyle of Christ so that we may be usable for God 's glory .
6 The writer of the Book of Hebrews expresses Christian confidence in this way : ‘ Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence , so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need . ’
7 In order for this to happen it is imperative to educate people in general so that we may have a much greater knowledge of the fundamental causes of both health and ill-health .
8 We have to take lessons with an open mind and a humility so that we may find out where we are going wrong .
9 We get quite used to our domestic dog actually bringing us sticks and balls so that we may throw them for our four-legged companion to retrieve .
10 I appeal to the people of Burma to economise as far as possible in the consumption of rice and foodstuffs ; so that we may have some surplus to send to a hungry world .
11 So that we may be together ,
12 So what we need to do is understand as much as we can of all pattern writing and notation methods , so that we may use all that is available to us in magazines , books , and so on .
13 Again , this is no gloating sesh — without competition , NME would n't be this good — merely a roll-call of those that died so that we may live …
14 The strait is here fifteen miles [ 24 km ] wide , so that we may pass in two hours from one great division of the earth to another , differing as essentially in their animal life as Europe does from America … ’
15 Pour out your Spirit , Lord , upon us as we proclaim and adore the presence of your Son in the mystery of faith so that we may spend our lives in generous solidarity with everyone .
16 The following are not in alphabetical or order of importance , but of convenience so that we may keep our discussion in an interesting and logical sequence .
17 In traditional moral thought hypocrisy , like lying , has always been detested as a sin against the fundamental principle of human communication , namely that language was given to mankind so that we may express our thoughts and feelings openly , honestly .
18 Proof We suppose unc so that we may write x = m/n where m , n ε Z. Clearly we may assume m , n have no common divisor
19 By inspection ( or from the implied quadratic ) unc We now evaluate the eigenvectors : unc so that we may take unc I now remains to find the corresponding row vectors and to deflate A for further study ; we leave this to the reader .
20 For each root i there will be at least one linear relation between the columns of the pencil , so that we may write unc and unc is an eigenvector of the pencil .
21 The pencil is described as simple if there are n independent vectors unc so that we may write the set compendiously as unc where unc is of simple diagonal form , even through it may include multiple roots .
22 If we normalise them so that unc then Sylvester expansion of C-1B ( see 1.18 ) is unc so that we may express B in terms of C , etc. , as unc Now suppose that we have found
23 About two million acres of waste have been enclosed by act since 1700 , so that we may reasonably assume that at the beginning of the eighteenth century there were about seven million acres of ‘ waste ’ all told rather than the ten million estimated by Gregory King .
24 ‘ And if you are being bewitched , ’ said Fael-Inis , ‘ and if you are being manipulated , then it is only so that we may save the world . ’
25 ‘ We travel by night , ’ said the third king , ‘ so that we may follow the star and pay homage to the Christ Child .
26 Erm so that we may well have to link in to the training programme and go back and check , for instance in three where I 've talked about the business plans .
27 Finally the position of the mouth of the river at all stages may not be known so that we may not be certain of which stretch of the former river we are dealing with .
28 Provocation creates an unstable idea so that we may move on from it to a new idea .
29 We need to bring them into the light and recognise them so that we may dispatch them . ’
30 We look to price theory to elucidate the nature of the mutual influence exercised by decisions so that we may understand how changes in these decisions , or in the data which underlie them , systematically set in motion further alterations elsewhere in the market .
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