Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb mod] i " in BNC.

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1 Shall I back in or shall I , yeah I 'll back in , I 'll be I shall be awkward I shall reverse in .
2 But can you say , sir , that there is nothing between you that should not be ? [ pause ] You answer me not and may I not fairly presume you can not ?
3 Should I say anything to him about the way I feel , or are my friends right and should I try to forget about him ?
4 Will his foreskin loosen up or should I have him circumcised ?
5 Should I wait until the highlights have grown out or could I have a colour put on top ?
6 Would you like me to crawl out quietly through the woodwork now or shall I wait and collect my cards ? ’
7 Do you want to go now or should I
8 Er do you think I should have a bath now or should I
9 Starting with a blank sheet of paper is perhaps easy for some , but for myself , I can neither draw accurately nor can I imagine without a picture or actual model to start from .
10 There was a note telling me both Jack and Pat , his wife , were out and could I feed his hens .
11 You wo n't nor would I .
12 No I ca n't and can I tell you , I 'm not being funny but I think that 's actually maybe quite important , I know this is not the in doubt visually impaired people but
13 If you do n't log it I 'll assume you have n't and can I point out to you there 's parent 's evening coming up very soon , thank you very much !
14 You 'll recall that the key fell off the agenda as well , earlier or should I say , was n't very painful .
15 I could n't tell then nor can I tell now exactly what went on in Alec Davidson 's mind .
16 She would take me there but could I wait while she changed her clothes .
17 I keep thinking , well shall I colour it again or shall I just go for that bit there ?
18 Warhurst said : ‘ Ray rang me right out of the blue at 5pm on Thursday afternoon to say the deal was back on again and would I come to Blackburn .
19 ‘ All I can say is that I 'm reasonably confident about my cricket again and should I get the chance of a Test I will stand up to it . ’
20 ‘ All I can say is that I 'm reasonably confident about my cricket again and should I get the chance of a Test I will stand up to it . ’
21 Ignore this can I can you are you working on these currently or can I use these ?
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