Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 They 'd have to hunt us down or suffer a severe loss of credibility .
2 Never run down or criticize a past employer , even if you have to refer to disagreements .
3 ‘ We will have to wait until next month before we can confirm or deny whether this is so or make a more informed assessment , ’ he said .
4 There is an optional metering scheme , and if you do live in a higher rateable value property , and you do n't use er above average amounts of water , you 'd probably you 'd probably benefit from put a water in or have a water meter installed .
5 Before she could ask whom he intended to marry this time he said , ‘ After you left and I had that final bust-up with Marc I rang Marianne and told her she could do better than marry a penniless school-kid . ’
6 I can not do better than compare a shoal of bream to a troop of soldiers : a compact , neat , orderly and efficient body of fish that patrol a water when the business of feeding is foremost in their minds .
7 I can not do better than quote a semi-paragraph from The Grail Legend by Emma Jung and Marie Louise Von Franz ( English translation 1971 ) :
8 Wirral 's heroin ‘ epidemic ’ ‘ incubated ’ unnoticed and in documenting this fact we can do no better than quote an epidemiologist ( Hughes 1977 ) working within a similar heroin outbreak in Chicago during the early 1960s : ‘ In this epidemic there was a tragic time lag between the contagious stage during which heroin use spread and the stage when the epidemic 's full impact was felt and reacted to by the host community . ’
9 Such an equivalence suggests , perhaps wrongly , that most candidates in comprehensive schools will be expected to do no better than score an F or a G in their GCSE .
10 So that put an end to that … no more dances down at Cotherstone for me .
11 ‘ Eventually they can turn professional if they 're good enough and earn a fair bob or two .
12 As a preliminary to the ceremony , the Northern Ireland Royal Marine Band will march through Middlesbrough at 2pm and give a performance on the Russell Street boulevard .
13 They cooperate better and take an active part in their recovery .
14 But , Prof Richard De La Rue , of the university 's department of electronics and electrical engineering , and his team hope to go 20 times better and develop a cable which will transmit ten billion pulses , or two million simultaneous telephone calls .
15 ‘ Well , come inside and have a cup of tea , ’ she said , and showed me into the front room of the house .
16 ‘ Come inside and have a cup of tea , ’ suggested Jenny .
17 Bleeding from the nose is quite common in pregnancy ; pinch the nose gently and hold a cold , wet handkerchief to it .
18 Then check it is clear below and attempt a straight stall , followed by a few stalls in very gentle turns .
19 Join The Women 's Press Bookclub as an annual member on the coupon below and receive a free copy of Not A Man To Match Her : A Feminist View of Britain 's First Woman Prime Minister by Wendy Webster ( The Women 's Press , £6.95 ) .
20 Her camp confirms the lengths to which Kylie is prepared to go to maintain the environment-friendly campaign and reveals she REFUSES to handle everyday plastics , because they can not be broken down naturally and pose a threat to the habitat .
21 I , I , I understand all the work like and I 'm sitting in class and I 'm doing fine fuck all and then I come in and get a test like and he cracks up
22 they step in and take a positive lead when things are n't progressing well .
23 Come in and take a chair . ’
24 While developers move in and make a killing .
25 Then your Mam used to make p pastry and put these beastlings in and make a beastling custard .
26 And not forgetting the voluntary support , ‘ who come in and keep a live link with the wider world . ’
27 I look through the letter-box but I ca n't see anything ; I reach in and feel a box on the far side of the thick door .
28 If existing lenders or trainers are getting it wrong , why do n't new firms come in and do a better job ?
29 In the next few weeks advertisements will appear for a chief executive who , if all goes to plan , will have a year to run themselves in and have a real say in building the new institution .
30 Come in and have a drink . ’
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