Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I stayed right where I was on the floor telling myself I 'd be fine in just a few minutes .
2 He stayed right where he was until good manners forced her to offer to make him a drink too .
3 ‘ No one in particular , but I thought she 'd have been better off with a chap of her own age who would have wanted her to carry on where she was .
4 But it also has built in a Help facility , teaching aids , so that if at some point in the middle of developing your program you forget something , you can ask the system erm to tell you for instance how to use one of its facilities , and you can get onto the screen some information about that , and then carry on where you were , and you can switch easily between different modes .
5 ‘ Before you continue , Sir John , ’ Fitzormonde spoke up , ‘ and you start speculating on where I was , all I can say is that I was in my own chamber but no one saw me there . ’
6 I could n't afford to go anywhere , I cant walk far , so I had to buy stuff locally where it was dearer because the bus fare was 64p .
7 My idea of prison was that it was somewhere where you were locked up and picked on all the time — that was my impression .
8 Happen it would n't be long afore he was back here , and then they would see .
9 There was still no sign back home that anyone else was yet up , so Patsy put the paper bag down where they were playing and the two of them resumed their game .
10 BL have used carousels , but only to a limited degree and , it would appear , only where they were particularly vital to insulate the biggest machines from human variability .
11 But this equitable separate estate existed only where it was created by a will or settlement , or in the comparatively rare cases where the Court of Chancery exercised its jurisdiction to compel a husband to make a settlement upon his wife .
12 The happiest occupation for the cornetto is in playing florid divisions on vocal works — chansons , madrigals and the like , to which its ‘ vocal ’ qualities suit it , or in taking the place of the violin in sonatas and canzonas — and not only where it was a declared option , which is what happens in this recording .
13 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
14 ‘ It was safe enough where it was , until the river took a bite out of the hypocaust .
15 If truth were told , she still did n't care much where she was , she admitted reluctantly , because the one place in the world she longed to be was at Dane 's side , and that was strictly out of bounds .
16 Their chances of success were far less where they were relegated to the position of enactor or mere facilitator , as some were .
17 I knew more or less where he was and I knew he had not been recaptured — that was all .
18 She could have throttled Geoffrey , wriggling in where he was n't wanted .
19 While the single-centre institutions found it somewhat easier to adopt the mantle of RMC , inevitably some of the multi-centre RMCs found their development delayed by management problems , especially where they were composed of a number of colleges which had to negotiate a series of complex mergers before they could start .
20 They saw such truancy , often regarded as a symptom of deep-rooted social , emotional or economic problems , as something which , despite their best efforts , they could do little to alleviate especially where it was accepted by parents .
21 Instead , they had taken up position in one of the shops opposite where they were concealed by heavy wooden boarding and from where they could see directly into Mordecai 's shop .
22 All were corked and sealed , and he was too circumspect to break the seals till he saw better where he was and what was to do .
23 Somehow , I felt it was rather sacrilegious to mention Jesus 's name aloud where we were .
24 ‘ You mean you 've known all along where they were going ? ’ asked Georgiades .
25 They said that if the expert departed from his instructions in a material respect , eg where he was called on to value shares in a company and he valued the wrong number of shares or shares in the wrong company , that would be sufficient .
26 Kicking and bucking to keep her balance , she managed to draw to a shuddering halt close to the rushing torrent about ten feet below where he was standing .
27 Well we started off traditionally enough except it was distinctly in low key .
28 In a corner of the Salon Imperial of the Hotel Intercontinental , Paris , Harriet Varna braced her back against a statuesque pillar and looked steadily into the viewfinder of her camera , concentrating on her subjects so fiercely that she was almost oblivious to the electric atmosphere that surrounded her , bouncing off the Viennese décor and the sumptuous rococo ceiling along with the heat and the light as the models of the House of Saint Laurent moved gracefully along the hundred yards of catwalk to display the new season 's couture collection .
29 His wavy black hair curled behind his ears so thickly that she was reminded of an Ingres portrait of a nobleman she had seen in one of Miss Hatherby 's books .
30 We then noticed Allingham had not come down although he was generally an early riser .
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