Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But as advanced technology becomes more and more prevalent , we have to engage in analysis and diagnosis — that is , in ‘ information ’ — even more intensively or risk being swamped by the data we generate .
2 Somewhere or other is a place my dad took me once , where there are tall stone buildings huddled above a blue sea , donkeys , and guys in grey suits with open white shirts and faces that look like their owners have had time to consider every move they make .
3 Antidepressants should be considered only where depression is not improving ( as it usually does ) with weight gain .
4 In his An Inquiry into the Causes of the Progressive Depreciation of Agricultural Labour in Modern Times ( 1820 ) and A Statement of the Consequences Likely to Ensue from our Growing Excess of Population ( 1830 ) Barton argued that only where land was cheap and plentiful would economic growth be maximized and accordingly favoured emigration schemes and colonization of Canada .
5 On the one hand , the Institute wishes to be seen as a professional body , and this is possible only where entry is restricted by academic qualification .
6 Between 2000 m and 1600 m above sea-level , vegetation recovery is more rapid but only where erosion is at a minimum and even then it may take between 5 and 8 years after seeding .
7 Hence it was outside the scope of s 6 of the Act , which applied only where interest was due in respect of a particular period .
8 The result is the creation of work-groups that are exclusively Pakistani , especially where night-work is concerned .
9 You simply could not afford to trust anyone — especially where religion was concerned .
10 The arts organizers were usually perceived by the LEA as primarily servicing centralized performance activities , whilst the PE staff offered specialist advice in the provision of expensive capital plant — gymnasia and playing fields — especially where safety was concerned .
11 This depends on whether , but from the definition of so where labour is employed in sector Y , the relative price of the taxed good must increase .
12 The only objective sense in which monetarism worked better than Keynesianism was the electoral one : the ‘ strong bargainers in all classes ’ were content for the economy to run at well below capacity .
13 Make sure , for example , that if she does not eat meat , she gets sufficient iron through other foods such as eggs , lentils and a variety of vegetables , so that anaemia is avoided .
14 The L3 is susceptible to desiccation , so that stephanuriasis is mainly associated with damp ground .
15 While the onus is primarily on the chairman to handle business so that expertise is fully exploited , there are ways of enhancing the skills of individuals .
16 Significantly , these tend to occur as heads of major noun phrases ( " lines of … stakes " , " system of … fences " ) , so that concreteness is subordinated to abstraction ( 20 , 21 ) .
17 It is illegal to put large quantities of animal faeces in household waste for collection , so that idea is ruled out .
18 But beauticians might be greedy financially , he reckoned , so that idea was discarded together with that of shoplifting .
19 This was because coding of the data was in terms of its concentration , so that consistency was necessary to avoid spurious calculations .
20 So that spreadsheet is just sorting them all way across the bottom and all the way across the top .
21 If a man who is a diabetic and who has arterial disease to the extent that this plaintiff had , is severely injured so that life is much more difficult to bear than otherwise it would have been , a defendant is in my view , quite unable , with justification , to say that a reduction in damages should thereby be brought about .
22 Mr. Barnes ' affidavit showed no more than that the Bank might exercise their own supervisory function once they had the result of the Federal Reserve Board inquiry in their hands , so that supervision was no more than a secondary purpose which did not qualify .
23 So that Committee is not determining what training people should have in the companies .
24 Suppose now the pressure is increased so that diamond is the more stable form of carbon : that is , so that carbon has less energy when bonded as diamond than is graphite .
25 And I also know that certain shops in Northern Ireland refused to display it because of the tricolour so that accusation is quite legitimate .
26 Effective computer support must be matched to human thinking so that communication is readily established and yet different in providing functions which supplement human thinking ( p. 233 ) .
27 She found Clelia 's company extraordinarily entertaining , and bracing only in so far as she liked to be braced : she could hardly follow a word , for instance , of the art references in her conversation , but Clelia managed somehow to combine a great air of erudition and abstruseness with a marked facility for making explanations , so that ignorance was no bar to amusement .
28 This ‘ great perturbation in nature ’ ( V.i.9f. ) causes her to reveal all their deeds , an effect made much more intense in the theatre by the Doctor writing down all that she says , so that hypocrisy is not only detected but recorded .
29 We test this hypothesis in the most conservative way , by testing the viability of an absorption model with the maximum chance of succeeding : we assume neutral rather than partially ionized hydrogen so that absorption is maximum , and allow for very soft X-ray spectra .
30 Du n no I , there 's a friend of mine and I 'm selling it in the pa have to advertise in the paper as well so that money 's going to it , I 've made , I 'm having a word with the bank manager for business facilities and then opening an account with him at the bank to er basically get some extra , a business account going which I do n't touch , er I need to get credit facilities done on the bank , accounts and stuff , dad 's gon na look through it completely with me and work everything out , but for the next six , seven weeks I 'll be too busy with the school work to really concentrate on it , cos exams start at seven weeks time now
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