Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She said I do n't know what your there 's a missing , so I it said Mr G , so dad said why does it say Mr and er , she said it 's a court order she said , court order , she said er that has been in the yard
2 I mean I had so I it did help .
3 And the Sainsburys , Tescos and Safeways of the world are the people with the financial clout and organisational know-how to spend the £15million or so which it takes to buy the land , negotiate the planning hurdles , employ a builder and stock the shelves to open a new superstore on a good site .
4 Erm do you have cases where the where the girls or same faces keep popping up or do you do you feel that once they 've been pulled in they it puts them off ?
5 So it it precedes the rest of it if you are looking at the front of the fox it 's erm why is a nose important to a wild animal ?
6 Erm well I feel I like you say , I can do with more more sitting down and doing it myself so it it sinks in .
7 The observables , the exotic items of gold , amber , shell , garnet , pottery ( and perhaps what it contained , for instance wine ) , glass , mercury , ivory , may give us a distorted image of the nature of exchange , but there is no reason for rejecting the acceptance of the pattern at face-value .
8 Now , my theory that I was proposing last week about preferential parental investment in sexy sons or little boys who showed phallic behaviour , is a consequence of the Trivers Willard principle , because basically what it says is that little boys who advertised , as it were , in their childhood , evidence of their own adult reproductive success by precocious sexuality towards the women of the family and aggression towards the males , might be rewarded by preferential parental investment , a Trivers Willard effect in other words , and if , when they grew up , those oedipal sexy sons were in fact more reproductively successful , then the result would be a kind of self-perpetuating cycle of parental investment in oedipal sons who then grew up to be more reproductively successful than non-oedipal sons and , and so on .
9 I think basically what it comes down to , it does n't bother her
10 In rugger , it would seem , praise is like football 's vote of confidence , not entirely what it seems .
11 In other respects warfare remained much what it had been .
12 So it 's very much what it does , and not what it is .
13 The evolutionary story , to the extent that it can now be understood ( and to the much more modest extent to which I understand it myself ) seems to me to give some support to the view that in this respect the historical story means very much what it seems to mean .
14 On such grounds as these he argued that the experience of the author and that of the reader must necessarily be different , that ‘ what a poem means is as much what it means to others as what it means to the author ’ ( Eliot 1955 : 130 ) .
15 The , is one of the most common words in English and , to set up , the , all the time , would be very time consuming , and so this symbol was obviously available to the printer and obviously what it spells out is ye , which you now know from pubs that are called things like Ye Olde erm , Hen , and and that sort of thing .
16 Three p and five p and write down what it comes to .
17 At a casual glance , the club could offer merely what it advertises .
18 When I became in a conscious way feminist I pondered long what it meant that a woman could not in such a way depict Christ as being in her image .
19 Remember that what you think a word means is not necessarily what it meant for the writer .
20 And so what it does after the first ten minutes , it says , look I 've had enough of this , what 's the grey haired old bugger on about now , oh ,
21 er so for example , in this country our guaranteed price is quite low and in Germany it 's quite high er so what it does was whoever exports or imports between the two it tries to level the prices up .
22 Okay , an and so what it said then was that ego , ego is where all these things come together
23 ‘ All right , ’ Agnes said resignedly , ‘ so what it boils down to is that , despite your assurances to the White House Protective Detail , you 're sneaking off to do a little sleuthing on your own ? ’
24 So what it means is if you buy privately instead of having three statutory rights you 've only got one .
25 So what it means is , you 've got to have wits about you when you go shopping have n't you ?
26 It is , so what it means when it 's lost is , it is not able to fulfil the function for which it was made .
27 What we 've , so what it means is we have to make it clear to those people who are authorised to sign off invoices that their signature not only authorises accounts to pay it but also signifies that the delivery has been checked and is erm , is adequate .
28 It will probably be very untidy ( and you may need that ability to cope with unfamiliar attitudes ) but you should not be concerned at this stage with what it looks like , only what it does .
29 Now , would n't necessarily suggesting that the existing settlement would have to sustain all of the addition given only what it 's got at the moment .
30 That 's more or less what it said in my book except erm they need to be shaded from early morning sun if there 's been a frost .
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