Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] was be " in BNC.

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1 As the group went on I was being truthful , I put down what I was drinking .
2 So I was Been on the streets now for about eight years .
3 Perhaps she was being a complete fool helping Craig Grenfell , was she allowing herself to be taken in by the first handsome man to come into her life ?
4 Or perhaps she was being paranoid , and it was chance .
5 Perhaps she was being silly in thinking that her job was the stumbling-block between them ; it was a pebble in the path certainly , but Maria Luisa was the actual stumbling-block .
6 Perhaps that was the trouble — perhaps she was being too polite .
7 Suddenly he was being addressed directly .
8 Then , feeling that perhaps he was being rather uncomplimentary to Dorothy , he added untruthfully : I 'd ask you , honey , only you 're too young for this one . ’
9 Perhaps he was being absurdly English to treat girls like Cora-Beth as precious pieces of china not to be touched .
10 Perhaps he was being punished .
11 But perhaps he was being hypersensitive and letting his suspicions race like Jacqui 's .
12 Perhaps he was being sympathetic .
13 Perhaps he was being treated badly .
14 In doing so he was being made to look like a ‘ revisionist ’ , one of the dirtiest words in the Communist vocabulary , their equivalent of ‘ UnAmerican ’ or worse .
15 But that 's that 's er basically what was was around .
16 Soon I was being whisked back to Ballinasloe , the driver singing ‘ Red River Valley ’ for most of the way .
17 She appeared to be looking in two directions at once and Dot could n't tell whether or not she was being stared at .
18 Soon he was being coached by former long-distance runner Gordon Pirie , the film 's technical adviser , who said , ‘ Michael 's got a good physique , his co-ordination 's brilliant and he has a sparkling character .
19 The circumstance of the surrender of Trebizond was not what was being discussed .
20 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
21 The Chief Whip , Richard Ryder , should carry the can , even though he may not have known exactly what was being done by his people .
22 But instead he is talking about keeping up research and development on space-based systems — which is exactly what was being done before .
23 Wycliffe had no maxims , but that was exactly what was being done , though to him it seemed of paramount importance to build a clear picture of the victim himself .
24 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
25 Sounded like there was was n't he ?
26 He was arrested and yesterday he was being held in custody in London while detectives questioned him .
27 An hour later I was being monitored at the Birmingham Maternity Hospital — weak contractions confirmed in labour , I was sent to the ward in a wheelchair .
28 Minutes later she was being ushered out of the small but clinically precise kitchenette , and invited to take a seat on one of the chesterfields as he placed a tray containing two bone-china coffee-mugs , milk and sugar on the glass-topped table between them .
29 He Anglicized his name and a few years later he was being described as an accountant or merchant 's clerk ; a subsequent attempt to establish himself as a commission agent apparently failed .
30 Almost two centuries later it was being proposed that in much the same way every Spanish ambassador should have assigned to him a son or younger brother " to assist him as a comrade in his work " , be instructed in the conduct of embassy business and handle matters the ambassador himself could not spare time for , with the implication that he might well succeed to the post if it fell vacant .
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