Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] could [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although I had a mouthful of sour grapes I thought it was worth going so I could corner Polymers football club chairman , Stan Bates .
2 Perhaps you could patent it .
3 So you could steam them off and slap them out again .
4 Show me where each term from so you could Thanks very much .
5 Perhaps we could minute Mr 's point , just to make him happy .
6 Well perhaps we could E T and and f we could fit into that .
7 so they could mainline words .
8 Anyway back to main point , so up to retirement quite straightforward , no problem at all and this is why he could have gone on for donkey years without a return of income , his salary goes up of course , it 's picked up in the tax tables , his personal allowances do n't change so they could swan along there for so many years without even looking at his affairs , but then see what happens in the very next tax year , when he has n't had a return and may not get a return for a couple of years .
9 If he got in early enough he could lunch with George .
10 so he could prayers there on Sunday afternoon .
11 but the interesting is I was talking to one of the training people at one of the big finance houses recently about whether or not one could piggy back on some of their courses or whether in fact some of the in-house stuff they do they would like to deliver to external B A I E people
12 If you move quickly you could bag this one — jam it into the specimen bottle and whip it off to the Society for Psychical Research prontissimo !
13 yeah , and he wants to , he came home this morning and he said , he must of been thinking about it , and he said well we could emulsion the walls , he said erm , why do n't we do an apricot white , I says well that 's peach , I said the
14 Here one could instance people who go to the theatre as opposed to theatre administrators , people who read books rather than people in publishing , selling or lending .
15 Or maybe I could guts it out with penicillin , from my personal supply .
16 Maybe she could coast for a little while .
17 So maybe you could sort of go back and think which one of these would possibly give me calcium carbonate , well that Good chance it might you know have a guess , that this one
18 Play in pairs , it 's different but when you 're just playing singles , you can say or maybe you could sort of friends that go , you 'd probably say something like , are you sure ?
19 Then you could sort of do something with the
20 I just ca n't imagine how you could rhythm if it 's like that I suppose you got ta s start with them all running but still
21 Again my my personal view is that I think phasing has got a lot a lot going for it but I do not know how you could phase current commitments , because after all those those are on the table now .
22 ‘ I was thinking maybe we could sort of … get in this bag , sort of thing , ’ said Masklin .
23 Much of the acreage in this round is closer to the coastline , and as such has many implications in terms of how it could impact upon fish spawning , local bird life , and even the Ministry of Defence in some cases .
24 The difficulty is if we move to something , er , which is supply based as is being suggested , then it could impact even , even greater and so there 's no perfect er , system for this , but there 's got to be a better way .
25 George was a quick thinker so always did the introducing and all of the talking , but George did not talk about himself — he told of how Lennie was as strong as a bull and how he could buck barley all day .
26 Never leave toys on stairs where someone could trip and fall .
27 all it was was a box really , a box which you could get off a , a , a machine and dump it on the ground , erm the idea came from , from er I think dustcarts really , where , where you could sort of tip them up and , and they 'd empty , and that , that was this early thought on it er
28 He is dedicated , although he confesses there are occasions when he could practice harder .
29 There were connections there , safe houses where he could hole up for a week or more , while his American friends made arrangements to get him out of the country and into free Europe .
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