Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 Eagerly I set about to free it from its rubble prison .
2 So then if suddenly I have about a tenth of them entries .
3 So I brought about twenty-two earthquakes
4 And er the firm payed me er four shilling , a week , and er the man I was working with , he he , the rest of it was taken out of his er his er wage packet er and put into mine , and so I got about eleven and sixpence a week .
5 So I set about a solution which has led to healthy plants which remain where I want them — despite being planted in very high flow undergravel filters .
6 So I sprinkle about three strands of cheese .
7 So with it being another student union and it being like a conference in aid of the homeless and that , I did n't really want to sort of give them a load of grief so I suggested about sixty pounds .
8 You get paid for playing er , you do n't ha or you have very few scores , you do n't have line-outs and basically you tackle about a hundred million times a game .
9 So she leaves about ten she 'll be here some time after ten wo n't she ?
10 So you get about five or six garments in width across there .
11 So we set about putting a stop to it .
12 So we came about for the last time , since we were now south of the entrance , and motorsailed north , a little further off , to give the rock a good clearance .
13 So we have about forty people in the morning and about sixty people in the evening .
14 So they get about twelve thirteen hundred .
15 So they set about it , with the help of a co-op development agency , which provided them with management services .
16 Together they provide about 60 per cent of the housing for single people and almost a quarter of all wheelchair access dwellings .
17 So he hung about in a lonely spot one night , just where the other fellow was due to pass by — and well , Bob 's your uncle , as you so succinctly put it .
18 I er I phoned him up to let him know I was going in and he 's not too far away you see so asked him if he 'd like to pop in so he did about half eleven .
19 And so it came about that while the Operational Staffs of the three Service Ministries were grappling with the Suez crisis of 1956 , which entailed increasing the Defence effort and calling up reservists to fill gaps in the order of battle for the contingency plan Musketeer , they were answering questions posed by the Hull Committee about the implications of halving Service manpower by April 1960 or 1961 at the very latest !
20 ‘ So wonderfully pleased and satisfied ’ was he with it that , as Molyneux wrote to Locke , ‘ he has ordered it to be read by the Batchelors in the College , and strictly examines them in their progress therein ’ ; and so it came about that Locke 's masterpiece was on the curriculum which faced George Berkeley , the subject of the next chapter , when he entered Trinity as a student in 1700 .
21 So it came about that there was a vacancy for a rigger in No 70 Squadron , Hinaidi , and off to the Canal Zone , Egypt , I sped to learn to fly .
22 And so it comes about , at the end of all the wanderings , that we find under one roof , in decaying Echo Street , that strangest of couples , Molly and Leopold Bloom and Stephen Daedalus .
23 The difficulty presented by this use is that , to take ( 11 ) as an example , the seeing already exists at the moment of speech , at the moment of being glad , and , in fact , is apparently what brought about the gladness , hence Jespersen 's term .
24 In any case , there are earthier explanations , such as the changes in sea level favoured by Newell ( 1963 and 1967 ) , or changes in climate ( perhaps themselves brought about by changes in the earth 's magnetism ) which are favoured by many authors .
25 So what happened about time and a half ?
26 At least tonight I have about 45 minutes in which to speak , and whether I take that much time will depend on how we get on .
27 I mean if you go it 's normally I chat about two lectures on that and you give lots of examples .
28 We are due to review the morning service pattern at the church meeting on December 9th , although it is difficult to imagine how we could ever revert to a single service since already we have about 500 adults and children attending the two services !
29 Normally it takes about six days to arrange a visit , even if you cable both ways .
30 Thus it came about that Joan de Warenne , as closely resembling her young mistress as made no difference , was conducted to the Tower of London — and Alianor Woodville 's apartments .
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