Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as i " in BNC.

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1 I tend to paint very quickly , so the paint is always rather damp as I flit round the paper , putting a colour here and one there , and at first it all looks a bit of a jumble .
2 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
3 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
4 He looked so frail as I watched Gavin help him out of the car , followed by the cat basket .
5 this frog so interesting as I inspect its most secret
6 ‘ You heard so much as I did , Miss Buckley .
7 They threw me from the battlements into the sea , but the rocks were merciless and did not kill me , though I have never longed for death so much as I did then .
8 Er in so much as I mean I must admit with these increases , I appreciate your need to get the extra profits and I 'm looking at the ones where I think we can push them to get a bit more .
9 Yes , now I would n't slur those quite so much as I would make that all legato .
10 Naturally I was disappointed that the most notable name of which we could boast had to be excluded : and although I knew that he disliked re-reading his prose works , I was as sorry that he felt the essay to be below standard as I was to regret his later repudiation of After Strange Gods .
11 I had also never before been without a pattern to the future , and I was starting to realize that it might not all be quite so easy as I had imagined .
12 Getting into the Bristol Cancer Help Centre as a resident patient was n't quite so easy as I had imagined .
13 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
14 They took five hours to get it out ; and there was a man in the next room who was not so lucky as I was .
15 Besides , it is not quite so urgent as I thought .
16 I know it 's a lot to ask , but I 'm not so black as I once was , you know .
17 It will be so long as I am sitting in this office . ’
18 At least the rain keeps the mosquitoes away , and the flashes from the guns lighting up the sky appear somewhat comforting as I doze off , conscious of the rain dripping on to my boots .
19 I 've never been so indecisive as I am this time .
20 The snow is much worse as I finally move out , and the only consolation for the time it has taken is being alone , and arriving late so that the others have already begun on the tent and wood collecting .
21 I was allowed to record each group and I found the transcribing of the tapes less arduous as I had also been able to make notes .
22 Mr , er I as so far as I got , Not impossible for development to occur with these constraints .
23 Not so young as I had thought
24 " I " m not so young as I used to was " is wrong , except that when Somerset Maughan makes a Cockney landlady say it , it makes perfectly good sense .
25 An and it 's what makes me so cross as I walk past that blinking school every day and you think my kid should be over there !
26 No it was just that as I say , I went off to town .
27 You are not alone as I am just as confused myself .
28 Tuesday was the Music Exam which was not difficult as I was already working at the Theory of Music at the Royal College .
29 No it 's not Taboo as I I think it 's
30 The Regional Council was consulted on the previous supermarket application and may be consulted by the District Council on the present proposal , although this is not certain as I believe it is about half the size of the earlier application .
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