Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] may [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Someone may be very unintelligent and yet have a good sense of hope or trust or love whereas someone else who is highly intelligent may yet have a relatively poor facility in these senses .
2 ( 2 ) An interest although not pecuniary may also disqualify , but the interest in that case must be substantial .
3 These are of course the history teacher 's daily stock in trade , often taken for granted but when we are publicly called upon to justify the spending of taxpayers ' money on our subject , the most obvious may well be one of the strongest arguments for the teaching of history to all young people to the age of 16 .
4 When approaches are made a little probing may well encourage you to suggest that the parents reconcile their differences with the child 's present school .
5 Clearly any or all of these are possible but erm er naturally you would understand that if you had them daily by film you would be having you know ninety pieces of paper er and clearly that may not be appropriate at times well times , you know hundreds by the looks of it now but usually times ten at least .
6 Logically this may not seem to make sense , yet for Christians it is like paradox pointing beyond a neat literalism to that reality which has impinged itself on them .
7 Now that may not go quite as far as as as would would favour .
8 Now that may not be the best way to have structured it , but some of the checks that we 're imposing at the moment are not necessary to put on paper .
9 Yes , yeah all that all that part was okay erm but from the point of view of the script th th that we 'd asked you to learn last night y you did n't do that now that may well work for you , the way you 're actually doing it , but from a training point of view we , we 're trying to look that you 're actually following the , the script there .
10 There is a hatred now that may well be irredeemable .
11 Now this may not be characteristic of modern Christianity — more the pity for it — but I do believe that it is a just reflection of New Testament Christianity , because in the earliest preaching the emphasis falls on his resurrection .
12 Now this may not be the most compelling subject but it is important for you to know that throughout our term in office , we 've not left you on your own as you carry out the task of raising funds for your programme .
13 Now some may even find themselves with property liabilities and if this is so they need professional advice on how to remedy the situation .
14 By now some may well be asking ‘ Where can I look for a spiritual director ?
15 It is reinforced by the further recognition that what is now valid may well not be in the future , and that some people see earlier than others when changes in accepted opinions and values are needed .
16 ( Unfortunately , the fact that many projects have produced attractive material which is extremely effective in the hands of some teachers but that has not been widely successful may reasonably be interpreted either as an aim- or a style-mismatch , or as a dissemination problem . )
17 Well that may indeed be so , but the Christian faith has never entered into that particular point , because the Christian faith is never in the business of checks and balances .
18 Diluting it and mixing in it into slurry lagoons or spreading it at a low rate on grassland was a method used in the past , but even that may not be possible now .
19 But even that may not help as the worker may be waylaid by those who have ‘ just come in for a form ’ or an address or have to collect their children from school in five minutes .
20 These are often big production numbers printed in full colour , but even this may not single you out from the crowd .
21 Even this may not be contract for the sale of specific goods .
22 Many explanations have been given for the careful measurements and statistical information so frequent in Wordsworth 's early poetry , for example : but surely even this may ultimately go back to a desire to placate the scientific and Lockean tradition .
23 Even this may still leave some hidden agendas lurking beneath the surface .
24 According to the second interpretation even this may substantially overstate the effect of the section .
25 Indirectly this may also help legitimate an autonomous space of representation for ethnic minorities who have been otherwise silenced or marginalized , a place where they can find their own political voice , in their own mother tongue .
26 Alternatively this may only be a change in the precious metal brought about by necessity , and silver coinage may have continued the earlier function of the gold coinage , as bullion .
27 The total number of schools associated with the various projects is small , and , while even these may not continue to incorporate the new ideas in their user education , they have been sufficiently exposed to new approaches to schools user education to suggest that for them at least and probably for many other schools traditional school library instruction will not be quite the same again .
28 There may be central computers but even these may not be required if each salesman ( or a group ) hall a micro-computer and printer at home .
29 So if you think back now at times when you 've done a training session and you thought I ca n't understand why that did n't work , you know I worked really hard this may actually reveal something to you you did work really hard at it and you put it together just the way that you would like to receive it , but it 's not it just the way the delegates would actually have liked to have seen it done .
30 A symbol which is a male symbol appears in our culture to represent maleness , in a way in which earlier this may not necessarily have been the case .
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