Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] when it " in BNC.

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1 You become excited when you discover an entry from a brand leader but descend into despondency when you find that large , marketing-led organisations can be incredibly sloppy when it comes to presenting written reports .
2 They say the human brain is at its most receptive when it is young .
3 MERSEYSIDE parents are among the most generous when it comes to giving pocket money , a survey has revealed .
4 This view appears disarmingly general but widely acceptable when it is stated as the idea that any economy has to be seen as only one part of a structured world system .
5 Children were to be subsumed within the dwelling to this notion of order : " Teach your children that a house is only habitable when it is full of light and air , and when the floors and walls are clear .
6 Now imagine we lift a marble above the table ( Fig. 1b ) we can call the raised-up position state A and table level , state B. Here , the object is only stable when it is on the table .
7 The manager , Paul Bennett , explained that they all felt so low when it was discovered that the baby had been murdered .
8 It is especially weak when it is pulling against the expectations of firms and consumers , and when it is implemented too late .
9 Constance could not decide whether or not his diffidence sprang from fear or indifference , and she found it puzzling that someone as confident as Nicky in every other area of his life should be so timid when it came to love .
10 ‘ It seems so strange when it is all settled , ’ I said .
11 You need to ask yourself what is so different when it comes to talking to an audience ?
12 Psychological knowledge is unavoidably ambiguous , and this is especially clear when it involves relatively ill-defined , social aspects of subjectivity , like gender .
13 Things are somewhat different when it comes to the sales decision : here it seems that many worked out at quite an early stage that the sales strategy ought to take a reservation form ( with perhaps an intermediate section to take account of risk and risk aversion ) .
14 Many people are extremely generous when it comes to giving money to conservation .
15 Apparently , if a baby kicks and is repeatedly given a response to that kick by touch , it can become highly responsive when it enters the world .
16 But knowledge develops unevenly ; Dewey 's luck was not so conspicuous when it came to , say , radio engineering , where relatively simple new subjects end up with a classification symbol of twelve digits or more .
17 How could I have got it so wrong when it mattered so much ?
18 A hibernator 's metabolism slows down so much when it becomes dormant that time appears to speed by and the winter is over in a trice .
19 Well you wo n't so much when it 's dried .
20 It is clear , however , that in this case the contracting company felt extremely nervous when it found that representatives of a safety committee had gone straight from the employer to the ultimate operator in the field .
21 ‘ No ! ’ he said , so relieved when it was out that the recoil made him faint and set him shaking .
22 I WAS married four years ago to a girl I loved very much , but I lost her to another man , because I was so incompetent when it came to having sex .
23 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
24 Have you noticed the way Coke tastes so much nicer when it 's a glass bottle ?
25 How could a man so intelligent in every other way be so obtuse when it came to ordinary everyday living ?
26 At the other extreme , ‘ I dislike it ’ turns out to be highly questionable when it implies diminished awareness :
27 You were below ground when it happened .
28 It is also what is involved when modern descriptions of the moon 's trajectory are retained and observation statements referring to the fact that the moon is much larger when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky are regarded as resulting from an illusion , even though the cause of the illusion is not well understood .
29 ‘ while peer review may be relatively successful in deciding among proposed new areas of research , it is far less satisfactory when it comes to identifying declining areas and groups . ’
30 This time , the crew were in such high spirits that they dropped Nickles over the heart of Berlin , spirits that were somewhat subdued when it was realised that they could not close the bomb bay doors after combing .
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