Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [is] in " in BNC.

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1 Martin Hardie wrote : ‘ Where all the plates are so excellent , it seems unfair to make distinctions , but where Daniell especially excels is in suggesting the warm haze that hangs over a summer sea , or sunlight playing on the roofs of a fishing village and the walls of its harbour .
2 The fact that it was later more generally recognized is in part due to the attention which Roth 's scholarly and semi-popular writings attracted ; and the circumstances that his findings have not always survived the scrutiny of able younger scholars itself attests his own success in helping to put Jewish history on the academic map .
3 The picture thus sketched is in strong contrast to the popular view of housewives as a leisured class .
4 There are also pressures to raise agricultural productivity to accommodate population increases , though most of the land that can be thus exploited is in the uplands and is consequently susceptible to erosion .
5 Where we agree with the suggestions of the feminist philosophers we have just quoted is in their insistence that philosophical theory comes out of experience , so that philosophy formulated exclusively by men will reflect the experience of men .
6 The definition of breakdown now adopted is in line with that used by other companies .
7 A further example where executive search firms are often used is in the question of size of business .
8 He used to be next door to Ryan 's Son , but now Hopscotch is in Ryan 's old stable .
9 Where this book mainly fails is in its implied answer to the question : what sort of science is to be grown ?
10 Some of the later remodelling work was done by Francesco Maria Richini , although what we now see is in Romanesque style , even though it post-dates the period by many years .
11 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
12 Of course , if the man is clearly carved from stone then pointing is in order , and if we subsequently discover that ‘ he ’ is an inflatable rubber doll we are suitably embarrassed .
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