Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 What has been less recognized is that legal structures constitute the family and roles within it .
2 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
3 the fact that Freud linked the two things together , the very title of the book shows the evil th that group psychology and ego psychology were intimately intimately connected with one another and er the central idea was that as Dean rightly says is that in a group the leader or the leading principal , and it does n't always have to be a person , although usually a person plays , kind of represents the , the er the leader in the way that the Pope represents Christ for example , you know Christ ca n't be here right now , he 's doing other things elsewhere I presume .
4 So gone is that staple of the detective story and its heirs as well as of the private-eye story , the loner .
5 What is perhaps missing is that element of spontaneity which serves to project Haydn 's originality in a more vivid manner .
6 An economical explanation of the features just presented is that HDE 226868 and Cygnus X-1 form a binary pair with an orbital period of 5.6 days : the time-varying spectral shift of the optical partner is then simply the Doppler shift produced by its orbital motion .
7 Another thing you might not realize is that erm , erm when you ordered motor buses you had to get authority from the Ministry of Transport and you used to appl apply for a bus grant .
8 What is sometimes not appreciated is that privatisation of provision and finance requires extra regulation .
9 What these boardroom blouses and toerags at the turnstiles do not realise is that football management is not a skill to be acquired through hard work , but a gift from God .
10 The second thing we can not escape is that man has dominion over the animals , whether we like it or not .
11 I will be dealing with seven ( although another claim I am not making is that of exhaustiveness ) : affection , status , stimulation , autonomy , security , money and belief .
12 The holiday camps are held separately for the different sexes , mirroring the gender segregation that occurs in the majority of Northern Ireland 's schools , but another form of segregation in schooling which is not reproduced is that of religion , for the few Catholic schools that exist in the Easton area nominate participants .
13 What er , we would normally say is that , what you say in here does n't leave this room via Peter and myself , er , in order , sometimes , to talk about the other situations , I think perhaps we 'll we 'll have an agreement , with whoever 's gon na pick this tape up afterwards .
14 The key concept that floats to the top in mainstream criticism of Distant Voices , Still Lives is that of art .
15 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
16 But what usually happens is that unacceptable ( as opposed to lethal ) levels of toxins stress the fish , leaving them abnormally vulnerable to attack by opportunistic organisms .
17 Another weapon still used is that of the Naginata .
18 The traditional presumption upon which a clear consensus still exists is that against interference with personal liberty .
19 Another point which is not always recognised is that covert research can itself impose severe restrictions on the kinds of questions that one may legitimately ask and the sorts of people to whom one may have access .
20 A tradition that still survives is that of the native tribes of North America .
21 What this usually means is that payment is expected by the last day of the month following the month in which the invoice is issued .
22 A stronger argument which Cawson also develops is that major interests are not directly represented at local level , because whether sectoral ( for instance , professional or industrial organizations ) or production ( such as employers and trade unions ) their main levels of organization for the purposes of representation are national or regional .
23 I think what it clearly shows is that health education messages are n't getting through to heterosexuals .
24 One point , though , that is clearly understood is that legal measures alone are not sufficiently effective and must be supplemented by infrastructural measures , which have the advantage that the spatial layout of an area has a direct influence on the behaviour of road users .
25 What I 'm also saying is that , that in terms of
26 One which has been thoroughly explored is that of ‘ being ’ .
27 What he thereby misses is that post-modernism represents simply a new façade or twist to architectural style as ideology discussed earlier .
28 A point that is often forgotten is that effective co-operation is not just a matter of professionals working with each other .
29 And most important of all and it is often forgotten is that in South Africa the regime and the western powers were facing a real hot revolution and that hot revolution could have destroyed the country for all its people .
30 The language information most often incorporated is that of word structure .
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