Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] in " in BNC.

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1 Since these are relatively common finds of a mundane form , the highly parochial local museum can often contribute its own sequence which is a version of the overall national pattern , thereby helping to embody in material form , and as an aid in teaching , that sense of history which underlies the collective identity presupposed by the state .
2 Her hair was drawn back , skilfully arranged to fall in loose waves from a gold clasp .
3 ‘ Well , they do rather want to take in a show , but we 'll have to see what 's open .
4 These are very substantial changes which are widely expected to continue in the 1990s .
5 One common solution to this problem , which avoids the politically undesirable alternative of imposing or reimposing fees , is to rely on parents to provide equipment , just as they are very widely expected to help in the construction and sometimes the furnishing of schools .
6 Torrance , who has played in the last six Ryder Cup matches and badly wants to figure in the next at the Belfry in September , shot his 69 despite having a nose bleed for the first time in his life early in the morning , then again on the course .
7 And then , terribly pleased with that demonstration , the anthropologist goes on to try to fit in everything : and a good anthropologist is one who completes the picture and appears to have no pieces left over at the end .
8 They were expressly forbidden to engage in any other activities , of course .
9 The American frustration is evidenced by the utter confusion as sporadic resistance slowly starts to rise in defence of the fleet .
10 There are times when prejudice only contributes to conflict in the narrow band of outlook and experience where that prejudice exists .
11 The second ( which I prefer ) is to say that , difficult though the task is , one must try to find a way of writing rules that express what native speakers naturally tend to do in placing stress ( while acknowledging that there will always be a substantial residue of cases which appear to follow no regular rules ) .
12 In both Britain and America , the educational preparation of librarians includes all these aspects and more , although individual librarians naturally tend to specialize in depth in only a selection .
13 They take it in turns to crouch in a cardboard box — edging it closer and closer to the track .
14 As we made clear in the previous chapter , its definition of temporary workers might well include people whose jobs are available on other than a temporary basis , but who only intend to stay in these jobs for a limited period of time .
15 Those who wished to do so gathered to share in the fellowship of a symbolic meal — a piece of dry bread and a cup of water .
16 In many service businesses there is a growing number of people who do not necessarily want to progress in traditional career terms .
17 In the case of expressions output on channels or assigned to variables this expression only needs to hold in the context of the strongest enclosing boolean .
18 Dunlop only needs to finish in both final rounds to take the title .
19 Yet one only needs to travel in the town on Saturdays to see well clothed and healthy children and upstanding young men and women , to realise that the people of this country are better off than they have ever been .
20 Yet one only needs to travel in the town on Saturdays to see well clothed and healthy children and upstanding young men and women , to realise that the people of this country are better off than they have ever been .
21 She had been sent to an Orthodox Opus Dei school where religious education formed an important part of the curriculum , But , as she explained , she found that religion at her school was only designed to instil in her a sense of fear about sinning .
22 The Trinity Area , a serviceable enough place to live in the 17th century , was fast becoming a slum for the destitute .
23 The truth usually only starts to emerge in the reports , inquiries and learned articles that follow the trial that follows the scandal that heralds the emergence of a new ‘ social issue ’ .
24 The child receives no interest from the parent and so starts to behave in a way to gain more attention regardless of the fact that it is negative and unpleasant .
25 Erm , and therefore , that Planning Committee erm , basically has to vote in favour of development , unless there are over-riding planning reasons why they should not .
26 at the moment , only on a Sunday we get the odd meals on a Sunday , we get the odd meals on a Saturday night but nine times out of ten they only want to sit in there there 's a
27 Fight the flab with fat-burning aerobic dance which is another alternative for those who only want to shake in the right places .
28 By impacting with neighbouring particles they vibrate about a locus , and only appear to remain in a fixed position .
29 Brenda had not long come to live in the country .
30 For it to have left archaeological evidence it would have been necessary for it to have been manifested by a physical act of some kind , which would necessarily need to result in the production of something capable of preservation in the archaeological context .
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