Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to be measured for some more boots , ’ Edward said , ‘ but you look a little shaken so I 'm sure it can wait until another day . ’
2 I 'm gon na put that one on to see if I can get me score down .
3 On that occasion I had the hardest fight of my career and my prominent nose was badly broken before I won on points .
4 Well , you 'd better come in , unless you 'd rather wait until I 'm dressed ? ’
5 There are so many versions of it already , and now does n't seem the right time to do it — I think I would rather wait until I was more established , and have something different to say about it . ’
6 ‘ I had rather expected before I went that I might not be taken seriously as a woman .
7 what you , your case is as I understand it , I 've only intervened cos I think the question did n't dis perhaps a lack of understanding this by Lord allow me to say so , what you 're saying is that erm , in fact , although not intentionally you 're prepared to accept the format of the brochure in relation to the on going charges was such as could reasonably be said by your newspaper to have mislead prospective purchasers
8 ‘ So after the fire , Himmelbrau and Strick called me in to see whether I could do something to re-establish their client files — thirty years of legal practice up in smoke .
9 Anyhow it was like the sea and boats and everything else and I used to I was working in a shop and I use to get up early in the morning and go down and tally all the numbers and names of the boats and and there was an old man came in to shop while I was working in and asked about a certain boat , I says oh I can tell you , trek down .
10 my legs , I suddenly realized when I was changing at the swimming pool , and thought oh sod it , who 's gon na notice , I mean , at half past seven , I really ca n't get that excited about it .
11 ‘ It was as if The Wedding Present only formed when I joined , which was nice in a way , ’ says Charman .
12 Many years ago I was taking notes in a legal matter and only realised when I was transcribing them that police commissioner and police constable have the same initials .
13 So say if I said to you , well if and I said to you , Well what could I do ?
14 The spelling mistakes only occurred when I was shouted .
15 I 've tried it sometimes , never long enough to know whether I did it successfully or not , but I found there is absolutely no way of telling because even if it changes in a way one can predict , what one can predict is the way oneself changes or the world changes at the same time .
16 ‘ I 'm definitely less stressed because I do n't have to do the four things I was no good at — timesheets , billing , chasing debtors and doing my expenses ! ’
17 ‘ But I do n't suppose she 'll be doing much painting while I 'm here . ’
18 ‘ Then you 'll doubtless be delighted to learn that I have n't cried since the day I decided to go boating on the duck pond at home , only to find when I was halfway across that my rowing-boat was holed .
19 Just prior to this I was under a great deal of pressure to complete a computer program , and went in to work while I was suffering from the flu and not sleeping very well .
20 He told me this gaily , as if it did not much matter whether I believed it or no .
21 Rather unreasonably , I felt somewhat cheated for I had been the one to traipse around the town , forgetting all the preliminary work that others had done !
22 You two must be better matched than I thought . ’
23 But , of course , he only wakes when I 'm asleep .
24 But the actual impetus to ‘ act ’ only came when I met the right people in the right context … that is , Gerry and Amitha and the rest of the Working Party .
25 If I 'd less sense than I have , I 'd have believed them .
26 In fact , that was only done as I walked through the door .
27 I think I was so detached when I first had her because of the mental blockage , and the labour , and the birth was so messy and horrible .
28 I 'm sure such generalisations are unjust , but I can only speak as I find !
29 As such , they are part of an extremely ancient tradition for Assyrian mothers who used to scare recalcitrant children with the scarecrow Narses ; and a warning widely repeated today is very similar : ‘ You 'd better do as I say , or the boogeyman will get you . ’
30 ‘ You 'd better do as I say , Shih Herrick and get me out of here .
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