Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wheel came full circle last year when he suddenly became ill with a bewildering illness eventually diagnosed as amyloid of the kidneys .
2 I later learnt that the corpse had been badly mauled in battle , the face disfigured by a crashing axe blow .
3 ‘ Well , the body was badly mauled in battle . ’
4 Since preview audiences rated it both best and worst thing in the film — presumably depending on level of squeamishness — it obviously made an impression .
5 Thus , owners who were forced to sell their land to public authorities considered themselves to be very badly treated in comparison with those who were able to sell at the enhanced prices resulting in part from planning restrictions on other sites .
6 ‘ Taking into account all the circumstances , the committee felt that he had been properly placed on List One and on the evidence available were not minded to move him to List Two as he had requested . ’
7 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
8 Parents seek right to sue over injury to foetus
9 tenant of area of sea has right to sue for nuisance where pollution killed larvae even though at the time they were killed , tenant had not acquired a proprietary right of action .
10 It also ran a series of weekend schools for the women 's groups , mostly taught by College staff , offering the women the opportunity to situate their own struggles in a wider historical , political and economic context , and develop a more strategic purpose for their actions as well as identify continuing needs for further educational work .
11 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
12 The type of batteries most favoured at present are either 1.5 volt AA pen-lights or the 9 volt PP3s .
13 The kind most widely favoured for jewellery , at least in the west , was a delicate pale pink , but in and around Hawaii a black variety might be used for this purpose , and the Chinese were particularly keen on deep red coral for their carvings .
14 The fifth , sixth and seventh words are the most widely favoured for deletion .
15 Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above .
16 Among the stars , mostly clad in graveyard black , who dutifully stepped along it , was Sadie Frost , wife of Spandau Ballet star Gary Kemp .
17 the Licensed Software has been duly registered under Clause 11.1 with
18 Our spare room ( with the toys in ) was unfortunately impenetrably filled with sitting-room furniture ( the sitting-room is awaiting redecoration ) , but the boys managed to entertain themselves in the empty sitting-room instead .
19 Secondly , the techniques , although not widely developed to date , may culminate in the creation of more productive plant and animal crops that could help alleviate food scarcity problems in developing countries by increasing the viability of traditionally based agroecosystems , thus obviating the need for the cultivation of new lands .
20 But the group most demanding of provision is that of adults with severe learning difficulties who are newly resident in the community .
21 The imagination must be fed ; we should not expect children to go on drawing from imagination or memory without directing his attention to the things he does and sees , and tries to imagine .
22 There is no doubt too that parents have become more aware that immunisation can carry a risk of adverse reaction and this has been most publicised in relation to the whooping cough vaccine .
23 The problems mostly arose from lack of capital and only in a few cases had any action been taken — two had recently purchased houses in nearby villages for their sons and some had been able to purchase or rent some more land .
24 Rivers bear birth on slows of quicksand
25 2.9 By transferring 1,000,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow from NatWest Investment Bank to County NatWest Securities to account for a similar holding by Handelsbank NatWest and falsely representing that those shares were held by County atWest Securities Limited for the purposes of market making ; 2.10 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 66,600,000 shares in Blue Arrow held by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest in the records required for accounting purposes by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest ; 2.11 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities in the records required for accounting purposes by Phillips & Drew Securities ; 2.12 By falsely representing that County NatWest had become interested in 9.5 per cent of the issued capital of Blue Arrow on December 17,1987 and that the board of Blue Arrow had been informed of that interest ; 2.13 By concealing the true position in relation to the rights issue from the Bank of England , the International Stock Exchange , National Westminster Bank and/ or the board of directors of Blue Arrow ; 2.14 By falsely representing that the rights issue had been honestly and successfully completed by reason of their general skill , competence and diligence .
26 The castle 's end as a noble residence finally came in the late 17th century , and it was eventually given into state care in 1935 .
27 You do a complete circuit , left or right depending on wind , and then you can go where you want .
28 A joint venture between English Nature and London Zoo 's Invertebrate Conservation team has resulted in Britain 's most endangered bush cricket , the wart-biter ( Decticus verrucivorus ) being successfully reared in captivity for the first time .
29 If he did not touch such heights again , he remained a thoroughly reliable keeper right to the end , small , neat and quiet , and rarely given to histrionics .
30 This account is rarely given in isolation .
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