Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 The local community-based organizations that have since formed have been more basic in their opposition to any mining and have taken political organization — through lobbying , petitions , demonstrations and public meetings — as their mode of operation .
2 Most of them used local girls , but I decided to go to the famous state-run Eros Centre in Hamburg , which I 've since heard has been closed down due to the AIDS scare .
3 Since make has been shown to evoke the idea of simply producing an effect , this explains why have always suggests a disposition to comply , whereas make does not .
4 ‘ Three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon will become meaningless , ’ grieves the new edition , widely expected to have been posthumous .
5 But , by and large , and Wanda was an exception , all the things in life that I 've most enjoyed have been the things that I 've been paid really very little for , and most of the things that I 've been paid most for have been the least interesting .
6 The attacks coincided with an official visit by President Pierre Buyoya to France , and were widely reported to have been instigated by the exiled Palipehutu movement ( Parti pour la libération du peuple Hutu ) .
7 Aid workers in Somalia , including those with UN agencies , were widely reported to have been dismayed by the prospect of a US-led military intervention .
8 The decision , which was officially taken for administrative reasons , was widely considered to have been taken in order to reduce the Cardinal 's strong socially progressive influence based on the doctrine of " liberation theology " .
9 I am aware that what the Government have latterly pursued has been periodically categorised as power-sharing devolution .
10 I am greatly honoured to have been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of Scotland in succession to Mr Michael Strachan , who retired in November 1990 after 16 years ' service .
11 Two , maybe three , parachutists were dubiously reported to have been sighted , but they were never heard of again .
12 The first limb provides that if the recipient is domiciled outside the United Kingdom and the benefit is not received in the United Kingdom then the recipient shall not be chargeable to tax by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not by reason of his being so domiciled have been chargeable to tax in respect of it .
13 I endorse what the hon. Gentleman says about the responsibility that politicians of all constitutional parties have , and a willingness so to talk has been very much present in recent years .
14 Operating in a bleeding French market , Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has a rapidly vanishing mainframe base , personal computer problems that only seem to have been exacerbated by the acquisition of Zenith Data Systems , which looks like a source of profitless volume , and a Unix strategy that is only just getting off the ground .
15 Moreover , while they do show that official statistics tend to underestimate the amount of crime , it is likely that victim studies also under-record the amount — mostly because people can only report having been victims of crime if they know that they have been victimised .
16 Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind , and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst day of all .
17 There is , of course , a long history of research into uses of relevance information in In systems , going back to the 1960s , but it only appears to have been used in one online catalogue : CITE , at the National Library of Medicine .
18 Enough seems to have been destroyed already .
19 Although some may be quick to say that the vast majority of the book was actually written by Bullett , and not by Freud , no less than the actual intellectual framework of the book apparently seems to have been due to Freud 's input , er , Freud certainly was psychoanalytically trained , in any , in any sense of the word .
20 Failure to do so seems to have been fatal to the employer 's case .
21 However , the authors qualify their findings by pointing out that the group of exposed women was , in fact , only presumed to have been exposed since they had been selected by a computer matching of topical tretinoin prescriptions to pregnant women 3–4 months after their estimated dates of conception .
22 It may seem odd to complain of an excess of refinement in a film that features talking anuses and rubber monsters shaped like bottoms , but it does all seem to have been done in the best possible taste .
23 Several items Iris had arranged to be flown in proved to have been wrongly listed and had to be sent back .
24 She had never so much resented having been made to take over responsibility for the dog from old Adam , who had been used to walk him , than on that day .
25 Over recent years much work has been done to promote more positive images of women in mathematics , but this does not seem to have developed into a comparable awareness concerning race or class .
26 Rape is only held to have been committed in English law where the sexual intercourse is ‘ unlawful ’ , and it is generally assumed that the function of that term is to remove non-consensual intercourse between a man and his wife from the ambit of rape .
27 Professional development teachers rarely seemed to have been offered an induction programme or had their work regularly reviewed .
28 A BOAT skipper who took £100,000 in bookings for a ferry service which did not exist has been jailed for 15 months .
29 What happens when a majority voting equilibrium does not exist has been explored in a number of studies .
30 The Labyrinth at Knossos is generally recognized to have been one of the greatest architectural achievements of the ancient world .
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