Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Keep on using lead free if the engine is not set properly after its recent service .
2 It is for this reason that all the superpowers have effectively conspired to exclude nuclear weapons from the ambit of the laws of war .
3 This chapter deals mainly with optical ( or visual ) effects that involve construction in three dimensions , a stage beyond matte painting , and therefore a step nearer to physical , or mechanical , effects , which mostly tend to involve live action shooting on set or location .
4 When used on a daily basis , food digestion is greatly improved ensuring that essential dietary elements are assimilated by the horse in the most effective manner ; thereby helping maintain balanced growth .
5 Among other things , they have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels and make the blood less ‘ sticky ’ , thereby helping to prevent coronary heart disease .
6 European economic integration was widely expected to bring enormous benefits since an extensive single trading area ( such as existed in America ) might allow larger-scale industrial production and greater efficiency .
7 Some leaves have buds growing by their divided lobes , and these eventually grow to become new plants .
8 The director had a knack of giving elegant voice to exactly the thought that was currently in poorish shape at the back of Arthur 's head , and this was infuriating , though to feel resentment at having your skull so stylishly looted seemed small-minded and a blunder of taste .
9 The story of St Wulstan 's Hospital forms a fascinating footnote to the narrative of events at Powick , which illustrates that Worcester Health Authority was as much locally impelled to rationalize mental health services , as pushed to do so by the centre .
10 Although Stone is committed to replanting the woods , and is expressly forbidden to exploit neighbouring hardwood forests , ecologists and local Indian communities fear that the whole Mosquito Coast will be vulnerable from " spin-off " development resulting from the construction of roads into the area .
11 This item was expressly designed to replace generic man .
12 America has attacked the bit of the Bank expressly designed to promote private enterprise in the developing countries .
13 Right to communicate has low profile in Africa , say specialists
14 Right to communicate has low profile in Africa , say specialists
15 In anticipation of two large mass pickets on 29 and 30 of November , designed to block the distribution of the newspaper , the Home Secretary is said to have personally intervened to make sure that the police had sufficient personnel to guarantee normal distribution ( Gennard , 1984:16 ) .
16 They would not proscribe the teaching of fine art , archaeology or music — but would much prefer to see British colleges turning out many more vocation-ally-trained graduates in science , technology and business management .
17 If they had served small areas , the CMHTs would have had great difficulty in liaising with the specialist facilities and organizations ( statutory and non-statutory ) which characterize the mental handicap field and which necessarily tend to cover large areas if not regions .
18 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
19 Equally it is often used to explain why national leaders are better placed to mobilize collective effort in the national interest such as in the response to the second oil crisis in 1979 .
20 It is easy to see that at high prices consumers will only want to consume small quantities , while a fall in price will mean that demand increases .
21 The electric advertising board has three-sided vertical panels , endlessly rotating to show repeating ads .
22 Both processes constantly tend to become perfunctory , routinized and burdensome .
23 He has refused all real negotiation at any stage , since negotiations necessarily mean dropping preliminary conditions like the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait .
24 However , the court might not be satisfied of that ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ , and might find that D only intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
25 The analysis was inconclusive , but there are indications that change ( especially change involving non-manual workers ) was associated more with firms operating below capacity rather than at full capacity .
26 The churches reflect the piety and religious sentiment of the citizens in an age which naturally sought to express civic feeling in religious form .
27 According to Vasily Kazakov , who led the study , the youngest children affected were contaminated in 1986 even before they were born , when their thyroid glands were already sufficiently developed to absorb radioactive iodine .
28 Variegated plants will start to make more chlorophyll in their leaves in response to restricted sunlight , and so tend to turn green in the shade .
29 Nothing could be better calculated to produce mental sets or ‘ Einstellungen ’ .
30 This was the gravamen of Bukharin 's complaint , that Preobrazhensky , whilst claiming to discuss abstract theory , was in fact discussing matters that could only relate to concrete current policies .
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