Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 When a large debt issue is undertaken , the Bank will underwrite a large proportion of the issue and slowly sell them to the market over a period of time to avoid excess supply of government debt .
2 He crossed the room then slowly lowered himself to his knees before the great tablet , conscious of how the gold leaf of the Ywe Lung seemed to flow in the wavering light of the candles ; how the red lacquer of the background seemed to burn .
3 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
4 Peeling and torn adverts advertise the ‘ Summer Sun ’ a middle aged woman , in a tweed suit looks up and reads it as an excuse to turn away from her neighbour , an ‘ undesirable type ’ or a young again middle aged man greased back hair , a black fake leather jacket with sheep skin bits appearing here and there and a necklace protruding from his left nostril eventually attaching itself to his right ear .
5 She seemed to be having trouble putting one in front of the other but she did eventually make it to the steps of the disabled bus and fell inside .
6 ‘ Put me down , ’ she whispered through dry lips , and only after what seemed an eternity did he slowly lower her to one side .
7 She 'd rather throw herself to the lions …
8 A high failure rate ensures that only those with the right aptitude for the job eventually make it to the Company .
9 This summer , a flock of 31 birds ( including some European flamingos — Phoenicopterus ruber rosus ) successfully raised four chicks at the site , thereby allowing it to be designated as the world 's most northerly wild flamingo colony .
10 Originally six absconded from a local farm and successfully made it to the mill in a lorry chassis , however they had dwindled to a single cockerel .
11 Reid continued to leave him out and eventually sold him to Chelsea .
12 The main point I want to make is that the only justification for treating the sick and injured wild animal is to be able eventually to restore it to its wild existence .
13 ‘ When I struck the bream tore off downstream and dragged me into some weeds but I eventually got it to the bankside , ’ said Matthew .
14 Dorchester may have been an extreme case , but throughout England , there were hard-working , anxious , godly folk whose rage with their king eventually led him to the scaffold at Whitehall .
15 Back in the main town , we explored twisting alleys which eventually led us to the old Frankish quarter .
16 ‘ You 've been slowly starving us to death , ’ they said .
17 This led him to assert that , in spite of ‘ the gross and grievous abominations ’ of Rome , ‘ yet touching those main parts of Christian truth wherein they constantly still persist , we gladly acknowledge them to be the family of Jesus Christ ’ .
18 Lord Wilberforce 's statement in Tameside , that the decision-maker should properly direct himself to the facts , provides a good example of one aspect of factual review which would allow the courts great latitude for substituting their view for that of the decision-maker .
19 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
20 Although there was initially some resistance on the part of manufacturers to the development of the variety multiples , they eventually found it to their advantage to deal directly with them .
21 Trains had been laid on to despatch them to all parts of the country , so that for the rest of their lives they would be able to recall a few moments of honour , even glory .
22 It was he who went on to train me to the point where I could begin to set in motion a way to extract revenge from the blanc nations , and ensure that no one would so betray us again .
23 They later intervened on his behalf when he was investigated for criminal fraud , thereby opening themselves to allegations of having accepted bribes .
24 Arnulf achieved his goal , thereby opening himself to charges of duplicity .
25 Rose shut herself into her office , grimly applying herself to routine .
26 Finally Ayatollah Khomeini had reclaimed his mantle as the most radical of the Imams by proclaiming a fatwa against Rushdie in February 1989 , effectively condemning him to death .
27 not sending him there , rather send him to Judge
28 When he slowly drew her to him she made no attempt to struggle , held by the soft beauty of that one word and the warm security of his hands at her waist .
29 He did n't answer , but slowly drew her to him until she rested her head against his broad chest .
30 He slowly drew her to him , and their lips met .
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