Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] if " in BNC.

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1 It 's not only that but if if if
2 Well it 's extremely simple and if you 're any good at digital electronics it should be an absolute doddle for you .
3 I felt so sad but if I had gone there and seen her , how would I have felt ?
4 Admittedly they 're a little bit less streamlined but if you 're going to say that that makes a serious difference
5 So what I 'm saying is , is lead time in lots of business is highly valuable but if you can cut down the delivery time and give them more lead time you 're actually extending
6 yeah , not so , so confident but if you do n't make the attempt
7 It 's sad to have to be so cynical but if the price of safety is walking around with your eyes lowered and avoiding potentially dangerous situations , such as lifts home with near strangers , it has to be done .
8 Most of them ca n't be played because they 're so fragile and if they were restored they would n't make their original sound .
9 Norris ' ideas seem highly plausible and if this amazing and beautiful process is a correct understanding of part of the physical aspects of the dolphin 's 3-D sonar system , it also explains why they move their heads from side to side while they are emitting their characteristic echo-locating clicks — they are simply scanning their targets for angular , 3-D information .
10 It 's pitch dark and you have to stand up dead straight and if you wobble at all you get spiked either by the glass on the walls or the nails on the door .
11 it 's not sticky and if you get it all over you shows how cold it must of been in the night , the butter wo n't spread
12 As Victoria Wood said , if it 's in bad taste it 's not funny but if it 's funny it 's not in bad taste . ’
13 You want to be very careful er , Mr Chairman , how we put out erm , information , I mean , let's face it , you know , you start sort of raising a lot of hairs if you 're not careful and if , if , even if it 's totally irrelevant people will latch on to a particular com comment and make it their own .
14 That that 's not much but if it 's if it 's I mean if it 's not padded out with waffle and drivel cos you I mean if it 's a good ti concise answer that 'll probably get a good mark .
15 If you have not exercised for some time , if you are generally unfit or if you know you have a particular medical condition , it is essential to consult your doctor before beginning a regular exercise routine .
16 If " num " is not present or if there are insufficient characters in the string , then all the characters from " start_posn " onwards are returned .
17 She listened to his calm voice explaining that he was not available and if she would like to leave a message … but the message she would like to have left was far too complicated , so she rang off without saying anything .
18 Supported by four Landrovers and equipped with a few flimsy spares , they sported jeans and shorts rather than jodhpurs , tee-shirts instead of ties and jackets , while on their heads they wore cheches — and definitely not pith-helmets. but if the style was different , the spirit was certainly reminiscent of those pioneer days .
19 For the classical man , Polo from Ralph Lauren is deliciously chic and if it 's a designer label you want , there 's Armani and Eau Savage by Christian Dior .
20 Edmund Barham 's wooden acting as Carlos would have mattered less if he had been vocally more alluring and if his stilted phrasing had taken a hint from Mark Elder 's conducting .
21 Jayne 's more placid but if provoked she can come back with an equally strong response . ’
22 Buxtehude has set out to show that if cyclists can be persuaded to be disciplined , if pedestrians can be more tolerant and if the police will be more supportive then mixing the modes is possible .
23 The new head of the Baskerville family will be Sir Henry Baskerville , if he is still alive and if the lawyers can find him .
24 However , in the event you are not likely to want to do that , the embroidery usually looks delightfully spontaneous and if it does n't balance you can generally add an extra petal to help it out .
25 He does seem to suggest , that if you 're directly interested or if you have a direct interest in something you ca n't take an objective view , and I would say that actually , members have shown their ability to erm , to achieve something different from that , the way they wear different hats at different committees , Mr comes to mind where he will argue for the D S O's , at the D S O managing board , and for the client at Education Committee .
26 You probably know instinctively if those whom you meet are genuinely interested or if they are inquisitive , curious , trying to manipulate or probe .
27 Er the centre 's supposed to be totally non-political and if it ever got political , they 'd close us down .
28 Although many of the techniques are similar to those needed for cold and hot water plumbing , the consequences of making a mistake are potentially much more serious and if you are found out , you could be heavily fined .
29 If the complaint turns out to be more serious or if agreement can not be reached on a resolution , it must be referred back for a full investigation .
30 Electrostatic paper is even more delicate and if handled with damp hands the image will blur as the silver coating dissolves .
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