Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 The tide was so high it gave the impression of the train being waterborne .
2 A spokeswoman said : ‘ It was a wonderful donation and because it was so generous we gave the Leas the chance to name the two dogs . ’
3 A spokeswoman for The Guide Dog for the Blind Centre at Middlesbrough said : ‘ It was a wonderful donation and because it was so generous we gave the Leas the chance to name the two dogs . ’
4 ‘ I was so impressed I gave her a tape with a backing track on it the band had done , and asked her if she wanted to do some work on it .
5 Thus there is no world history , with clearly marked and universal stages of development , but only separate histories of different areas of the world ; and we are led to a conception like that of Max Weber , in which the unique features in the history of Western Europe , and especially those which gave an impetus to the development of capitalism , are emphasized .
6 The B team are so determined they gave up holiday time and daily allowances to assemble for two days of intensive preparation this week in Cardiff .
7 The hat was so new it gave off a faint , expensive smell .
8 Do it , as always , at a safe height and remember that the tail was the most difficult function to control initially and is the most likely one to give you problems when the action is the opposite of what you have come to expect .
9 Hereford beef is more fatty which gives it more flavour , and that 's what the customer wants .
10 Whilst it was still airborne you gave it an almighty swipe and endeavoured to send it further than your opponent .
11 Being smaller and more local they give the client a sense of belonging , providing the chance of an ‘ outing ’ without the long delays of attending hospital clinics and with fewer problems of travel .
12 If there are also many who give that vote to the FOP , it is because they back " their own " party with reservations .
13 The irony is , I do n't think all the time , they are as pompous they give an air pomposity do n't they ?
14 Collinson also acted as intermediary in obtaining seeds from America , particularly those which gave rise to an extensive plantation of evergreens in the park , a principal feature of Woburn at the time .
15 But I think it 's fair to say that the changes in the n nine , early nineteen eighties particularly those which gave the unions a predominant position in choosing the leader , were not of the unions ' making , certainly not of the G M B's making , as I know from personal experience at the time .
16 Oh it er oh it used to take it all depends how much they gave her to do you see .
17 I do n't know how much they gave , but I do know that it , it , it came into a , a few hundred pounds which is a lot of money in those days you know , when you 're talking about nineteen sixteen .
18 ‘ So how much she give you , then ? ’
19 She had never counted how much she gave with such ardent pleasure .
20 " How much he give you ? "
21 How much you give me for it ?
22 Exceptional Photoplays labelled it as ‘ an uncompromising film ’ and was quite sure it gave proof that ‘ motion picture art has by this time attained its majority ’ .
23 So if you are a smoker , it 's very important you give up , at least while you are pregnant , and preferably for good .
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