Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Although the World Health Organisation defines term as 37–42 completed weeks of pregnancy ( 259–294 days ) , most pregnant woman and many midwives think of term as the expected date of delivery .
2 I left my last job in rather strange circumstances and that does n't help things . ’
3 In 1977 the Skyfame Aircraft Museum closed its doors to the public for the last time and virtually all the aircraft in the collection were transferred to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford in one of the most momentous rescue and re-site operations ever undertaken .
4 However , it is artistically total tosh and merely a vehicle for an imagination nowhere close to reaching puberty .
5 Whether you 're looking for a fragrant floribunda , the most patio-friendly variety or simply your favourite hue , our information will point you in the right direction .
6 However , if you left a child under 12 ( England and Wales ) or under seven ( Scotland ) in your home with an unguarded or inadequately guarded fire and they were injured as a result , you would be legally responsible .
7 It was a riot of colour in the sunshine , with gaily striped tents and awnings , cloth of gold and scarlet on the royal box , ornately uniformed attendants and bandsmen , and the glinting steel of weapons and armour .
8 Your publication has given some of the world 's best humorists and cartooonists their most memorable exposure and has inspired countless others to pick up the pen and make complete fools out of themselves .
9 ‘ The creative use of leisure ’ sociologists called it and it worried them badly that fret-work and bird-watching might be all there was to fulfil people after pressing the buttons at the fully-automatic , atom-powered , closed-circuit-TV-monitored , computer-directed plant for a couple of four-hour shifts a week .
10 For this the clients , mostly professional people and businessmen who lack the time to organise their own expeditions , but who have some impressive climbing pedigrees , will get full sherpa support , oxygen and a well-stocked chain of camps along the standard South Col route from Nepal .
11 Additions equally probable anywhere This is both the most usual case and the assumption the designer should work on if no information is available .
12 I 'm ve I this is the first time it 's happened this way round that anybody 's got That 's the most subtle clue and somebody 's spotted it .
13 TIMES may have been tough in recent years but matters have come to a fine pass when this distinguished theatre feels obliged to assemble a posse of actresses and two actors to perform what is basically a rather vulgar sketch and present it as a front length drama .
14 With the exception of the private houses , and the public and official structures already described , such temples were often the most romanized element and were therefore visually as well as functionally important .
15 Some women argue that female genital mutilation is good because it suppresses sexuality , thereby preserving chastity and preventing promiscuity .
16 This was a highly polemical school ; its literary triumphs belong as much to the article or essay as to narrative ; and its most private griefs and imaginings are by now part of the national and international consciousness .
17 But that is to ignore the possible effect of indecent displays on the unwary viewer , which may be to invade the realm of the most private emotions and to play on these in an unsettling and intrusive fashion , utterly without permission .
18 Saviours of England 's Test image as the 1980s gave way to the 1990s , he is yet lugubrious except in the most private environs and incurably introverted .
19 The scenario was that there was this normal , everyday family being filmed in their home at their most private moments and , in one scene , where a young boy is being pressurised into getting married , they all leave the room and he turns to the camera and says something like ‘ I 've got to be careful here .
20 We all use defence mechanisms to protect our ‘ self , especially our most private dreams and fantasies .
21 This is one of the more widely used exemptions and is contained in SI 1988 No 316 .
22 Tonight we welcome to Festival Yoshikazu Iwamoto , one of the most outstanding exponents and Master Performer of Shakuhachi ( Japanese bamboo flute ) .
23 At the lower end of the scale the items may be far shoddier than even the cheapest village or nomadic rug ; at the higher end , one can find work of the most outstanding calibre and sophistication .
24 It is the most liquid asset but it earns no interest , instead handling and storage costs are incurred .
25 But Irenius provides sufficient example to bring Eudoxus to proclaim : ‘ In truth , this which you tell is a most shameful hearing and to be reformed with most sharp censures in so great personages to the terror of the meaner ’ .
26 But most one-roomed flats or studio apartments are box-like spaces with little to commend them in the way of interesting detail or character .
27 These techniques often have rather arcane titles but in their simple forms , they boil down to physical restraint .
28 Stefano Contini 's gallery in Campo S. Stefano is showing these mostly small-scale sketches and drawings until 15 November .
29 Third , community care plans are rather idiosyncratic documents and the investment of resources in the actual plans appears to vary greatly ( a cursory glance at their covers and the corporate style projected by each confirms this ) .
30 They provide all the classic tones , from full and ripe through soft and pingy to pure and sharp , all with remarkably low noise and completely even volume levels from position to position , with the Manson 's maple top , generous neck and heavy machineheads adding a great sense of solidity and authority to the sound .
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