Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ I was called over so Zoff could put some questions to Paul , they were about training and that 's all I can say about it . ’
2 Then they were among them , milling about the horses , and the terrified animals were bucking and screaming and it was all Riven could do to stay mounted .
3 I do n't know whether that will actually happen , because Guild really have the first option , but I was hoping there 'd be a way that we could cooperate and perhaps Eggle could do the British end of it .
4 If only Verdun could hold out another two or three days , it would be safe , Pétain thought .
5 Of course , British Members of the European Parliament if they so wished could make their points and their views known .
6 And well Miss Clark might remember I mean she is as you say probably one of the oldest people and perhaps Miss could rattle her brains a little .
7 This was partly because few labouring families even among the better paid could afford double contributions and in such families the needs of the man took priority .
8 Ten years ago yesterday British Rail signed a million-pound contract so work could start on repairing the Victorian building 's roof .
9 A biologist who was so minded could counter by arguing that , if by and large the marriages generate the children , then marriage laws could still have been influenced by evolutionary pressures .
10 I 'll give you one story that you may not think could have been cut down , but , the headline read , ‘ War Declared ’ .
11 They 've got energy , humour and attitude to spare , and back-of-the-bus debates about which one is the best looking could rage for years .
12 Clara could not think of any scheme in which the man she had just seen could have been described as lovely , but she instantly invented one .
13 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
14 And so , er , when th the reapers were gathering in the harvest they were not allowed to go right to the edge of the field , they had to leave a border , they were not to go right into the corners , they were to leave those areas , so that the poorer members , so that those who did not have could come and could gather what was left behind .
15 That type of change would enable one to say honestly that a redirection of the money already spent could do a great deal to improve the situation of farmers .
16 But , of course , Dorothy knows in those particular circumstances it was not a risk — the mental parameters fixed by the first half of the lesson controlled the freedom of the second half — and any individual child who could not cope could turn it into a ‘ reporting to the boss at the manhole ’ game .
17 They must be getting close now ; already Dalgliesh could see the soaring west tower and pinnacles of Ely Cathedral to the east .
18 Generosity was expected of a king ; loyal servants expected to be rewarded , and patronage if skilfully used could bring the king much support .
19 ‘ It was dreadful and not something I ever imagined could happen in a British hospital . ’
20 The girls were at school , and no misery that Nenna had ever felt could weigh against their happiness which flowed like the current , with its separate eddies , of the strong river beneath them .
21 By this means , such courses once approved could continue without a full revalidation subject only to periodic visits .
22 Moreover , I think most managers know this intuitively and have only lacked a workable structure and a decent intellectual justification for what they have always known could work , and work well .
23 Hopefully United could have found their form just at the right time .
24 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
25 Some alienation provisions contain surrender-back clauses which should be strongly resisted by the tenant , as they lead to uncertainty as to whether the tenant will be permitted to assign the lease to the person of its choosing , and unless carefully worded could result in the tenant obtaining less from the landlord on surrender than it would have done from the assignee .
26 Based on the most serious accident which it was realistically supposed could occur , these plans set the limit of expected evacuation of people living round the Hinkley Point site at just over two miles .
27 Held , refusing the declarations , that a basic valuation prepared by an employee of a building society was an ‘ action taken by the society in relation to ’ the grant of a further advance within section 83(1) of the Act and since it constituted part of the society 's process of administration , such a valuation , if negligently prepared , could amount to maladministration within paragraph 1 ( d ) of Part III to Schedule 12 to the Act ; that , on the documentation used by the plaintiff societies , a house buyers ' valuation prepared by an employee created a contract between the society and the borrower , which if negligently prepared could amount to a breach of the society 's contractual obligation within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 ; that although the alleged want of due skill and care might relate to matters not affecting the society 's assessment of the adequacy of the security , the valuation was in reality a single process amounting to an action within section 83(1) ; and that , accordingly , the ombudsman had jurisdiction under the scheme set up under the Act to investigate and determine complaints arising out of basic valuations , house buyers ' valuations , and , since there was no relevant distinction in the nature of the contractual relationship , structural surveys by a society 's employee in the same circumstances ( post , pp. 145A–H , 150B — 151A , H — 152A ) .
28 A more refined psycho than , say , Lee Marvin or Neville Brand , but a crazy 's still a crazy and I did n't think someone that far gone could take up where Daine had left off .
29 The cost system now outlined could apply not only to materials invoices but also to invoices for hired plant , special expenses , overheads , legal and estate agent 's fees , and in part to certified payments and the company payroll .
30 ‘ But in the meantime , even coughing could break Joanna 's ribs — which it did many times .
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