Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 However , people have since realised they have been lured into a debt trap aimed at bringing the working class to heel , with unemployment the main weapon .
2 We can only presume they mean too BUSY
3 Often such women have been married to strong , protective men who accepted and possibly even fostered their childish and dependent attitudes to everything in life , and when this support is suddenly withdrawn they feel completely lost .
4 TSB and Yorkshire , the only other main issuers not to charge fees , merely say they have ‘ no plans as yet ’ to introduce a charge .
5 It 's just we got no time , as you sit down to work they pin something on you .
6 Part of that would be that they identify that that 's , I 'm going there two years hence that 's the pathway and it 's too late to wait until next January a year from January and suddenly realise they need six G C S E's , a , b , c when they 've lost half their grades on the course work to date .
7 OK , I often employ builders on the basis that they 've got an honest face only to find they 've nicked my buckets , added unnegotiated noughts on to their invoices and buggered up the plumbing but …
8 Do you have any guidelines , as I do n't want to do lots of work , only to find they do n't like them ?
9 Some suffer side-effects from drugs only to find they do n't work anyway .
10 The fact that you can place objects of the correct size in position also means that the program will help to avoid the heavy work of moving furniture or fixtures and fittings only to find they do n't fit .
11 The final sequence is a familiar bad dream as the family dash in the house and upstairs in the nick of time , only to find they have n't shut the door behind them …
12 ‘ Some have even gone through a ghastly divorce lasting up to 18 months only to find they have to stay together .
13 The three leading parties have all said they favour such a move .
14 They might not know what they want to do ; they might only feel they have a lot of problems .
15 Then he said , ‘ If they would only show they feel they need us . ’
16 ‘ Now it 's great to be going back there in a successful side — I only hope they give me a good reception . ’
17 I only hope they do n't spoil things here by over-restoring the chapel .
18 Now past its notorious heyday , it has become a favourite attraction for Schiaparelli 's less sophisticated visitors , who fondly imagine they have located a corner of the city that retains the historic charm of frontier days .
19 Well they want , they want divorce and they 'd rather custody of the children and if they 'll some but she can allow them to take the children away cos the well the media coverage , they 've obviously got they have a law .
20 Steve Coppell 's men return for a Coca-Cola Cup-tie tomorrow and I can only suggest they pray Barnes is too tired to take part .
21 As Lane points out for the Soviet Union : ‘ However much control they have over Soviet production enterprises , managers and administrators can neither dispose of their assets for their private good , nor can their children have any exclusive rights to nationalised property ’ ( Lane 1982 , p. 135 ) .
22 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
23 The neighbourhood culture workshops specially promoted by her predecessor apparently feel they have insufficient support from her , although in fact only three out of seventy workshops have been scrapped .
24 Cook potatoes of a similar size together to ensure they cook evenly .
25 In addition , all regional buyers inspect and approve all raw material stores personally to ensure they achieve our laid down standards .
26 In so doing they join that list of people who have been called upon over and over again to sit on public committees and advisory bodies .
27 The results supported his view that in recall people make an ‘ effort after meaning ’ and in so doing they make characteristic changes to their recall .
28 The argument runs that individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences , provided that in so doing they avoid harm to the interests of others .
29 In so doing they begin the process of explaining a phenomenon , reducing it to intelligibility ; of course , that process entails a closing of options , a setting of limits to reality , since understanding is one of the ways in which we control and circumscribe our environment .
30 By so doing they have sought to protect domestic employment , the balance of payments and so forth .
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