Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] most of " in BNC.

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1 Many of course die , but those who survive eventually lose most of the colour and are left speckled , rather than with the definite lines of colour you will find in shop tanks .
2 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
3 Labour has not only neutralised most of those policy areas which make it unpopular ; more importantly , it has virtually erased the opportunity for Tories to accuse Labour of being run by the ‘ loony left ’ .
4 After we 've made that hole in the top we 'll lift the fuselage high enough to drain most of the water from it . ’
5 But The Soldier 's Tale naturally occupied most of John 's energies .
6 He spent a great deal of time inexpertly milking complaining cows , only to feed most of the milk to the pigs .
7 As the half-stifled bees crawled drunkenly across the stone and straw , they swiftly cut most of the heavy slabs of honeycomb off the sticks and laid them in the leather sacks .
8 The government prudently used most of its bonus to rebuild the foreign-exchange reserves ; it also restored the 10% cut made last year in public-sector salaries , and raised pensions by 5% .
9 He left most of his meal , and seemed uninterested in any of the conversation she attempted , answering in monosyllables most of the time .
10 The lapwings were followed up by some tufted duck on a reservoir — a frustrating snatched glimpse but enough to dispel most of his gloom .
11 Maguire 's remarkable exploits rightly grabbed most of the headlines , but Fitzgerald impressed as a horseman of the highest quality with 38 successes from limited opportunities .
12 They would long ago have vanished but for the fact that a powerful tide daily takes most of this pollution out to sea .
13 During 1991 and after 10 years of negotiations , the START treaty was signed , and in itself it is indeed only a start as it still leaves enormous stockpiles of delivery systems and nuclear warheads , enough to reduce most of our planet to a radioactive cinder heap .
14 This caused a bit of a chuckle from and his wife , as they apparently did most of their courting on a similar looking bench .
15 Pass through a sieve and simmer the juice gently to remove most of the water .
16 So do most of us , but the LETS group stresses that this devaluation is extremely destructive of the system , and caused the failure of an earlier scheme in Totnes .
17 They belong to the Orthodox branch of Christianity ; so do most of their northern neighbours .
18 To all intents and purposes it is legal — it may look ugly but so do most of the putters these days , and the design has obviously been passed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , which does exercise a very tight control over such matters .
19 I seem to get on with most of the teachers in the school , so do most of the other kids .
20 He still sees only a fraction of what the experts can see , but the pictures are definitely making sense now and so do most of the comments made on them .
21 So do most of the Altun .
22 I believe that there may be distinct advantages to the adoption of a single currency at some time in the future and so do most of the business men I know in my constituency and elsewhere .
23 According to one piece of research ( Managing Mothers , by Julia Brannen and Peter Moss ) working mothers not only do most of the household chores when they get back from work , they actually expect to do so .
24 So did most of the Sunni inhabitants of Sidon , Tripoli and Beirut .
25 When he led her away down the back steps the Tibetan followed and so did most of the crowd .
26 So did most of the camp .
27 I think I have sufficiently erased most of my first eighteen years , puréed them into harmless baby food .
28 So had most of the food .
29 The night duty officer , he said bluntly , had been drunk , and so had most of the NCOs detailed to the job .
30 A small ducal domain — Edward I held only twenty castles in Aquitaine in the 1290s — ensured the survival of his regime and the Plantagenets consciously and purposefully alienated most of their Gascon assets , with the important exception of the wine customs collected at Bordeaux .
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